Whistleblower Attorneys

Whistleblower Attorneys

Do you have knowledge of a person or company trying to defraud the government? If you come forward with this information, you could safely and securely help hold them accountable and obtain an award for your courage. People have been known to recover substantial rewards for their whistleblower roles.

The False Claims Act allows private citizens with knowledge of fraud against the federal government to file a lawsuit on behalf of the United States. In successful False Claims Act lawsuits, the guilty party is generally ordered to repay the U.S. triple the amount defrauded and the whistleblower who brought the claim is entitled to 15 to 30 percent of the government’s reward.

Do you have knowledge of government fraud? If so, you may be eligible for a monetary reward if you come forward. After all, fraud against the government ultimately hurts the people. Citizens pay taxes which help the government perform crucial public services. When the government is defrauded or laws are violated for private gain, it’s the people who end up paying.

To find out if you qualify for compensation, contact our False Claims Act attorneys today for a free case evaluation.

What Does the Law Do for You?

All citizens are qualified to file a False Claims Act lawsuit, as long as the information provided to the government regarding fraud is original (i.e., unbeknownst to the US government). Often, the whistleblower in a False Claims Act lawsuit is an employee who uncovers fraud at his or her own place of employment. For such cases, the law protects against employer retaliation and discrimination of any kind.

People who experience employer retaliation for filing a False Claims Act lawsuit are entitled to additional damages, as well as reinstatement to their previous position or one of greater esteem. All False Claims Act lawsuits are filed confidentially and may not be viewed by either the accused or the general public. While the investigation is ongoing, the accused will not be made aware of the investigation or who initiated the investigation.

To learn more about initiating a whistleblower claim, contact our whistleblower attorneys today.

The ‘Lincoln Law’: Accountability for False Claims

The False Claims Act, also known as the Lincoln Law, was originally enacted during the Civil War when early defense contractors were supplying the Union army with rancid food, infested blankets and defective weapons. Dismayed by the greed and disloyalty of these contractors, President Lincoln urged Congress to pass a law which punishes those who attempt to take advantage of the government and rewards those who turn in the fraudulent parties. Soon after, Congress passed the False Claims Act of 1863. Today, the False Claims Act continues to be a vital piece of legislation that helps the United States recover nearly $3 billion dollars annually.

Want to know more about the evolution of the whistleblower and other fascinating details about this important role in American society? Our attorney James Young tells all in his fascinating whistleblowers podcast series.

At Morgan and Morgan, we have several experienced whistleblower attorneys who can help you hold fraudulent parties accountable. We will work tirelessly to help ensure that you are properly compensated as a whistleblower and that you are protected against employer retaliation.

If you have knowledge of government fraud, learn more about your opportunities for compensation by completing our free, no risk case evaluation today.

Government Fraud

One of the main types of whistleblowers lawsuits involves people or businesses, usually government contractors, who fraudulently bill the government. Any agency of government is a target, although many whistleblower lawsuits involve fraud against Medicare and Medicaid and defense agencies.

Other types of fraud covered by the False Claims Act include the following:

  • Environmental fraud
  • Federal crop insurance fraud
  • Government contractor fraud
  • U.S. customs and shipping fraud
  • Federal student loan fraud
  • Government construction fraud
  • U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) fraud
  • U.S. Postal Service fraud

For more information about the various types of fraud, check out our government fraud information page.

For whistleblower news, a free guidebook on blowing the whistle, and other information, visit our Whistleblower Attorneys website today.