The Villages Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Motorcycles are a great way to get around in The Villages, as the weather is usually nice and warm. Unfortunately, some motorists aren’t pleased by the presence of motorcyclists on the road and can become quite hostile to riders. This hostility can lead to serious accidents and leave riders injured with a permanent or long-lasting disability, or even result in a fatality.

Our motorcycle accident attorneys in The Villages understand the difficulties of negotiating with the insurance company and will fight on your behalf to try and recover the financial compensation you need to pay for your medical expenses and get your life back to normal.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident caused by another motorist while riding a motorcycle, we may be able to help. Fill out our free case evaluation form today to learn more about what our motorcycle accident attorneys in The Villages may be able to do for you.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Injuries due to motorcycle accidents can be severe, as motorcyclists don’t have the protection of crumple zones, airbags, bumpers, and other safety features found in cars and trucks. Motorcyclists are often flung from their bikes, crushed between vehicles and objects, and hurt in other tragic ways. A motorcycle accident and the subsequent injuries and disfigurement can also cause mental anguish, anxiety, and trauma for the victim.

Among the most common injuries that occur due to a motorcycle accident are:

  • Broken and fractured bones;
  • Spinal cord injuries;
  • Disfigurement;
  • Brain damage;
  • Neck injury; and
  • Burns.

Head injuries are especially common and devastating for motorcyclists who do not wear helmets. Helmets saved an estimated 1,630 lives and $2.8 billion in economic costs in 2013, according the latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of motorcycle crash deaths.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcyclists are often put at risk by car and truck drivers. It can be difficult for motorists to see riders in their blind spots, but sometimes drivers resent the presence of motorcyclists on the road, and their behavior on the road can reflect that attitude. This can take the form of reckless lane-shifting, making left-turns without checking for approaching motorcycles, and other reckless driving. Here are a few statistics on motorcycle accidents, according to the Insurance Information Institute:

  • Motorcyclists are 27 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash per vehicle mile traveled;
  • 88,000 motorcyclists were injured in 2015;
  • 4,976 people died in motorcycle crashes in 2015, up 8.3 percent from 2014; and
  • Older motorcyclists account for more than half of all motorcyclist fatalities.

Wrongful Death

If the accident was severe enough to cause the death of a motorcyclist, our motorcycle accident attorneys can help the family of the victim file a wrongful death suit against the motorist responsible for the crash. This suit may pursue compensation for loss of income, final expenses, and mental anguish.

How a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in The Villages Can Help

Our motorcycle accident attorneys in The Villages will fight on your behalf to prove that the other party’s negligence caused the accident and your injuries by:

  • Gathering photographic evidence of your injuries and damage to your motorcycle;
  • Interviewing witnesses to the accident;
  • Reviewing your medical records and the severity of your injuries;
  • Obtaining records of the accident report;
  • Checking sobriety tests, if available; and
  • Reviewing the driving history of all motorists involved.

Your attorney will use all of this information to bolster your claim that the other party was at fault and is responsible for medical bills, pain and suffering, and more.

How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Cost?

Our motorcycle accident attorneys in The Villages work on a contingency-fee basis, which means no upfront costs to you. You pay a reasonable fee only if your attorney prevails in recovering compensation for your damages.

What Can I Recover From a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit?

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a motorcycle accident caused by another motorist’s negligent actions, you may be entitled to compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, loss of wages, and more. To learn more about what our motorcycle accident attorneys in The Villages may be able to do for you, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.