The Villages Car Accident Attorneys

For drivers in The Villages, a car accident can be a stressful and traumatic experience. A car crash can result in injuries to you and other passengers that can require hospitalization, surgery, and post-surgery rehabilitation. A crash can also cause significant damage to your car, which could lead to it being totaled. When these types of situations occurs, you need an experienced attorney who can represent your interests fairly.

At Morgan & Morgan, our car accident attorneys have the experience needed to gather and present evidence that can help to support your claim. In addition, our lawyers regularly consult medical experts who can help support our findings, which may increase your chances of being able to successfully pursue a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent driver and recover compensation.

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in The Villages, you may be entitled to compensation. To find out how our car accident attorneys in The Villages may be able to help you, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.

How Can PIP Insurance Impact My Compensation?

According to Florida law, all drivers are required to have a minimum of $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP). PIP is a “no fault” insurance policy that will provide you with compensation regardless of who is at fault. PIP usually covers up to 80 percent of an injured person’s medical bills after an accident, and up to 60 percent of lost wages, they may have faced due to their injuries.

However, PIP will not cover your medical bills unless you seek medical treatment within 14 days of the accident. If the medical condition is not an “emergency medical condition,” PIP insurance generally will only pay a maximum of $2,500 in benefits. An emergency medical condition has to require immediate medical attention and could be expected to result in serious jeopardy to the patient’s life.

If you seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit, you must have sustained life-threatening injuries. If you have not suffered serious injuries, you are usually limited in receiving compensation through your PIP policy and may be barred from filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, our car accident attorneys can review the facts of your case to determine if you are eligible to receive compensation from a personal injury lawsuit.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

It may be surprising, but if you are injured in a car accident in The Villages, even if the other driver was clearly at fault, you will probably have to fight to recover the compensation you deserve. The other driver’s insurance company may not place a fair value on your claim even with the facts at hand.

In fact, many insurance companies will do everything they can to reduce your claim, including minimizing your injuries, alleging that your injuries were caused by something other than the accident, or even claiming that you exaggerated your symptoms.

This is why it is important that you seek the assistance of an experienced car accident attorney, who will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help acquire the compensation you deserve.

What Will Your Attorney Do For You?

Your attorney will collect proof to bolster your claim through an initial investigation. They will perform tasks such as:

  • Interviewing medical staff and witnesses of the car accident;
  • Work alongside forensic experts to determine the cause of the crash;
  • Collect video and photo footage, along with police reports of the crash;
  • Consult with medical experts to completely determine the extent of your injuries; and
  • Collect past information about both parties involved in the collision including, convictions, traffic violations, and DUIs.

Even though all of this information may not be required when filing a claim with your insurance company, it can be helpful if you want to pursue a lawsuit against the other driver’s insurance company. From the investigation, your attorney will be able to estimate how much compensation you may be eligible to receive.

If the negotiations are unsuccessful, your attorney will determine whether you may be able to collect compensation by filing a lawsuit against the insurance company and other parties involved in the crash.

Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys in The Villages

Although every case is different, at Morgan & Morgan, our car accident attorneys have achieved tremendous success on behalf of clients who were severely injured in car accidents. Our lawyers take insurance companies to task and hold negligent drivers accountable for their actions.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a car accident that were due to a negligent driver, our attorneys may be able to help recover compensation beyond what PIP coverage provides. To learn more about your legal rights and how our car accident attorneys in The Villages may be able to help you, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.