Tavares Burn Injury Attorneys

Just how damaging is a fire? It can damage your belongings, it can damage your home, and it can damage you and your family. The pain of a burn injury isn’t always a quick fix, either; particularly severe burns can leave you with long-term scarring, nerve damage, disfigurement, and more. Seeking treatment for these injuries can lead to a mountain of medical bills and other financial hardship.

Morgan & Morgan’s burn injury attorneys in Tavares have decades of combined experience fighting for those who have been hurt and damaged in a fire.

The statute of limitations on personal injury cases in Florida is 4 years. If you or a loved one in Tavares has been burned and someone else’s negligence is to blame, don’t hesitate to contact us; you may be owed more compensation that you realize. Fill out our free case evaluation form so that we can learn more about your case.

Burn Injuries We Handle

Some burn injury claims we handle include, but are not limited to:

  • Electrical fires;
  • Motor vehicle accident fires;
  • Defective product fires;
  • Scalding water and pipes;
  • Locked fire exits; and
  • Fires in recreational areas (hotels, clubs, restaurants, stores, malls, etc.)

Home Fires

Whether it’s a house you own or a home or apartment that you rent, it’s possible for a fire to occur in your place of residence without you being at fault for it. In the event that you are renting your home, your landlord may be held responsible for a fire breaking out and injuring their tenant.

Landlords have a strict responsibility to keep their residences safe for tenants; Florida has strict laws and statutes regarding a landlord’s obligation to maintain premises they own. A fire breaking out because your home was not equipped with a smoke detector, or because of faulty wiring, can do lasting damage. If we, in our investigation, determine that a landlord’s negligence caused the fire, it’s possible you could have a lawsuit against them.

Work Fires

Injuries caused by a fire on-the-job may allow you to file a workers’ compensation claim. However, often an employer’s workers’ compensation insurance doesn’t offer a satisfactory enough amount of compensation for your injuries. Depending on your injury, you may also be able to file a third-party lawsuit (for example, a fire caused by a defective product exploding might allow you to file a lawsuit against the product manufacturer).

How a Morgan & Morgan Attorney May Be Able to Help

Morgan & Morgan’s burn injury attorneys are dedicated and thorough, and if they take your case on that means performing a full investigation of your injury to determine as many details as possible. This investigative process can include:

  • Gathering relevant evidence, such as fire department reports, photographs of the scene of the accident, and police reports;
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses;
  • Reviewing medical records and reports;
  • Work with medical experts to evaluate the cost of your injury and of any potential future medical expenses; and
  • Work with safety inspectors and electricians to more firmly establish the cause of your injury.

With all of this (and in some cases more), we’re able to expertly craft a case to present to the judge and jury that shows how our client was hurt by someone else’s negligence, and how they are owed compensation as a result.

Contact Us Today

Building the perfect case can take time, so it’s important to contact Morgan & Morgan as soon as possible if you feel you have a case. If you or a loved one has been severely burned and injured in an accident, contact our Tavares attorneys for a free case evaluation.