Tampa Dog Bite Attorneys

Painful, frightening, and often serious, a dog bite in Florida requires rapid medical and legal attention. Our dog bite attorneys in Tampa have decades of experience serving clients who have been hurt by an attacking dog. We act quickly to preserve your right to obtain compensation for your injuries. Contact us today for a free case evaluation to find out more about we may be able to help.

Understanding Your Rights After a Dog Bite in Tampa

Across the country, dog bites and attacks often injure, maim, and kill people each year. According to the Florida Department of Health, approximately two people die each year from dog bites, and more than 600 are hospitalized as a result of a dog bite. In Florida, the law generally holds dog owners responsible for injury and damage caused by their dogs.

Some basic points of law about a dog bite in Florida include the following:

  • If you are bitten in the house or on the property of a friend, they can be held responsible for payment if you are attacked by their dog. When you are bitten while in a public place, or lawfully on private property, the owner of the dog is liable.

  • If you trespass on property, or behave in a way that contributes to an attack by a dog, a court may hold you liable for a percentage of your injury. This includes teasing, taunting, or tormenting a dog.

  • Unless the victim is under the age of six, a dog owner might not be held liable if there was a prominent, easily visible sign warning of a bad, dangerous, or attack dog on the premises.

The pet owner is liable whether the dog bites or attacks a person, or the property of others, such as livestock.

We Can Help You Get Compensation for a Dog Bite or Attack

Whether you suffer losses from a dog bite, automobile accident, or other type of personal injury, you need a rapid legal response when you find yourself facing considerable medical bills.

In Tampa, our attorneys support your legal and monetary claim through the following:

  • Investigation: Dog bite cases require immediate attention. Animal bites must be reported and dogs quarantined if the dog has not been vaccinated for rabies. We evaluate the location of the attack, licensing, prior dangerous dog behavior, and gather appropriate evidence and photographs to secure and support your claim.
  • Information: As with all cases handled by Morgan & Morgan, our dog bite attorneys work closely with you to prove the extent of your injuries and how you are healing.
  • Follow Through: The attorneys at our law firm are known for tenacious follow through on behalf of our clients. We work hard until a case is satisfactorily closed and have a strong record of helping our clients receive compensation.

Physical injury from a dog bite can be extensive, and medical care could be needed over time. It is common to suffer injuries that include:

  • Laceration and puncture wounds
  • Blood loss
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage, loss of sensation, or loss of function
  • Disfiguring scars
  • Broken or crushed bones from attack or fall
  • Emotional trauma

In the most tragic cases, permanent disability or death can result from a dog attack.

Contact Our Attorneys After a Dog Attack in Tampa

Utilizing the resources of a national law firm, our personal injury attorneys at the Tampa office of Morgan & Morgan offer experienced, decisive legal representation when you, or a loved one, suffer a dog bite in Florida. Contact us for a free case evaluation, or call today at (813) 223-5505.