St. Augustine Whistleblower & Qui Tam Lawyers

When an employee has knowledge of fraudulent acts against the federal government perpetrated by your employer, you can take action under the False Claims Act, (also called the Whistleblower Act) and file a lawsuit on behalf of the government. In a successful suit, the offending party must pay triple the fraud amount. Whistleblowers, under this law, are entitled to recover 15 to 30 percent of the payment.

Whistleblowers serve the vital function of helping to correct fraud that was hidden from a federal agency and is a powerful tool. The law serves to hold private enterprises accountable. When there are eyes everywhere, who wants to risk engaging in fraudulent practices? And yet, they do.

To understand the spirit of the “whistleblower” act or the “Lincoln Law,” it all began during the Civil War when unscrupulous contractors sold the Union Army rundown horses, rancid food, and defective rifles. This law enabled common citizens to file suit against these acts on behalf of the U.S. Government, and in return be paid a third of the fine imposed.

To learn more about how Morgan & Morgan’s whistleblower attorneys in St. Augustine may be able to help, please complete our free, no-risk case evaluation form.

As a Whistleblower, You are Protected – But You Need an Attorney.

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers have powerful protections. However, filing a whistleblower claim can get complicated, and has risks. The defendant company often hires top defense lawyers to attempt to mitigate the situation. It is imperative that you have equally powerful representation in these cases. You may be dealing with acts of retaliation.

All False Claims Act lawsuits are filed confidentially, and cannot be viewed by the accused. In most cases, the accused could be unaware that they are the subject of an ongoing investigation or the identity of the whistleblower. Morgan & Morgan provides professional counsel in whistleblower cases and will guide you through each legal step. We will protect you against acts of retaliation, and help you to pursue your portion, as you deserve under the law.

What Can the False Claims Act Cover?

The following actions are violations of the False Claims Act:

  • Presenting to the federal government a false claim for payment.
  • Using a false record or statement to get a federal government claim paid.
  • Conspiring with others to engage in these actions.
  • Using a false record or statement to conceal, avoid, or decrease an obligation to pay money or transmit property to the federal government.

What Requirements Do I Need to Meet as a Whistleblower for the Reward?

  • You must file the lawsuit yourself, and it must not have been filed by another party, or by the federal government.
  • It must be filed under seal in a federal district court, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
  • A copy of the complaint with a written disclosure statement of all material evidence and information must be confidentially served on the U.S. Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney for the district in which the complaint is brought.
  • You must keep all information completely confidential until the seal is lifted. If you violate the provisions of the seal, your complaint is at risk of dismissal, and your eligibility for compensation may be denied.
  • You must file no longer than six years from the date of the violation, or no later than three years after the government knows or should have known about the violation.

You need an experienced attorney in your corner to help navigate the complexities of a False Claims Act lawsuit. Call our professional whistleblower claim lawyer for immediate assistance. We have a powerful record of successful cases and will guide you through every step of the process. Contact Us.