St. Augustine Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating to a person’s current and future well-being and quality of life. Even in cases in which spinal cord damage can be treated, the victim may suffer headaches or loss of mobility for the remaining years of life. About 80 percent of those suffering spinal cord injuries are males, and most often are the family breadwinners – who need the physical ability to work and earn a living.

The causes of spinal cord injuries are most often the result of motor vehicle accidents (42 percent) and falls (27 percent), and both of these statistics are on the rise. The statistics are sobering. Less than 1 percent of those who suffer a spinal cord injury (SCI) experience complete neurological recovery by the time they are discharged. About 30 percent of the people with SCI are re-hospitalized one or more times during any year after the injury.

Because spinal cord injuries carry with them such a heavy impact on finances – lost wages, medical bills and the costs associated with ongoing support – a legal action will be an effort to recover a very high sum. Morgan & Morgan can help. Our experienced spinal cord injury attorneys can help a victim pursue the maximum compensation allowed. Complete our free case review form to learn more.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

How a spinal cord injury occurred will impact how your case will unfold. The following are the major ways spinal cord injuries take place:

  • Medical Malpractice: Deviations in “duty of care” during surgery is the biggest cause. You will need a skilled legal team to investigate the medical procedure and identify any negligence involved in the surgeon’s direct actions, procure expert witnesses, connect the dots between the surgery and the later condition, review medical documents and x-rays taken before the operation, recordings of the operation any other information that can be brought to light to lead to a decision in the client’s favor.
  • Car Accidents: The responsibility for car accidents is usually either due to one or more person’s negligence, or a result of a faulty auto product or system. In the case of driver negligence, evidence must be collected through an evaluation of the scene of the accident, witness interviews, insurance reports, police reports, expert opinions and traffic footage when available. Product liability cases are filed when the accident was caused by unexpected and unreasonable mechanical failure or that you were insufficiently protected by car safety features when you should have been.
  • Work-Related: In most cases, worker’s compensation provides benefits for medical bills and lost income, which could be paid out in a lump sum, with the value negotiated by your attorney. The negotiating skills of your legal representation are exceptionally important in these cases – you simply cannot take chances. Workers’ comp benefits are helpful, but the level of these benefits are so minimal that it can be impossible to cover the actual costs associated with a spinal cord injury. Some cases involve a third party that can be sued to recover damages above and beyond what you receive in benefits.

What Types of Compensation Can You Receive?

Our spinal cord injury attorneys can help you to pursue the maximum compensation in the following areas:

  • Medical bills: This can include all current and previous expenses and any ongoing medical expenses.
  • Lost Wages: This may include not only time away from work but also loss of earning capacity in the future.
  • Pain and Suffering: This is often seen as a future projection where pain and suffering are not expected to completely improve and one’s ability to enjoy life is diminished, and are not provided by workers’ comp, except in certain cases – get your case evaluated to find out.
  • Wrongful death: The claim brought by the victim’s family can include not only the deceased person’s pain and suffering prior to death, but also money to ease the financial burden incurred by the family in the absence of the victim, which is often extensive.

It is important to get justice for your spinal cord damage as the compensation you receive may need to help balance your needs and your family’s needs in the future. Call our St. Augustine legal team for help. We offer a free case evaluation, and charge no legal fees until we win.