St. Augustine Burn Injury Attorneys

Our St. Augustine attorneys sympathize with the tragedy of a burn, and understand how difficult the following, weeks, months, and even years of recovery can be for victims. The negligence of an employer, owner, or individual can mean significant physical, financial, and emotional trauma.

The closest treatment center to St. Augustine is Shands Burn Center at the University of Florida in Gainesville, but the journey is expensive and might be long. With a burn injury, every second of treatment counts.

Our St. Augustine team can help you understand your options when it comes to a burn injury, and what you can do to seek justice.

How Burns Can Harm You

Burns can range from mildly discomforting to downright deadly. Some common burn symptoms include:

  • Significant pain
  • Pressure and discomfort
  • Loss of feeling
  • Blistering, charring
  • Skin loss, permanent impairment

These are just a few of the most prominent injuries that can result from a burn, and you can see how daunting they can be. This suffering can be not just physical, but emotional and financial.

Where Burns Happen

Burn happen in a variety of places, and it can sometimes be difficult to pin down who is responsible for the circumstances surrounding your burn. Our attorneys have handled lawsuits arising from:

  • Apartment building fires
  • Workplace injuries
  • Truck accidents and tanker explosions
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Electrical cord fires
  • Defective products
  • Locked fire exits
  • Scalding water and pipes 
  • Electrical accidents
  • Recreational fires (hotel, restaurant, retail outlet, nightclub)

Burns that happen in buildings where you have a landlord might be subject to a negligence lawsuit. You might also experience a burn injury at work. Workers’ compensation provides employees with wage replacement and medical benefits for these burns.

The same goes for negligent motorists and other individuals who may have put you in harm’s way with their actions, causing a burn. A competent attorney can help determine who to hold responsible.

Can a St. Augustine Attorney Help You?

Shady landlords and negligent motorists are just a couple of the parties that could be responsible for your burn injury and its associated financial and physical misery. At Morgan & Morgan, we understand the suffering a burn can cause, and the peace of mind victims seek such a traumatic event.

Having an attorney familiar with your local laws and willing to fight tirelessly to try and get you compensation is critical to a successful case. At Morgan & Morgan, you will get such an attorney. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready to find out how one of our attorneys may be able to help.