Savannah Labor and Employment Attorneys

Most employers respect their employees and understand the two-way nature of the relationship. However, there are some employers who believe the position gives them a right to behave how they see fit.

Savannah is home to many industries that are associated with labor violations, particularly service industry jobs. Even though these businesses are sure to benefit the city economically, some new employees in Savannah may encounter issues like harassment or discrimination at their new jobs.

At Morgan & Morgan, our labor and employment attorneys can help to protect your rights and help you understand how to move forward when you have a claim for unfair labor practices. With decades of experience throughout the country, Morgan & Morgan is a law firm that fights against businesses that are treating their employees dishonestly.

If you believe that you were treated unfairly by your Savannah employer, we may be able to help. To learn what our Savannah labor and employment attorneys may be able to do for you, please fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.

Types of Workplace Discrimination

Most employers are pragmatic enough to hire the best person for the job, and handle situations without taking into account race, gender, religion, or an employee’s other personal attributes. But discrimination and harassment in the workplace still occur frequently in Georgia and the rest of the United States.

Discrimination can be subtle, and often appear inadvertent, but is still harmful. This includes:

  • Refusing to hire;
  • Using unnecessary job qualifications to root out members of minority groups;
  • Failing to promote;
  • Refusing to hire a person with disabilities even though they are able to do the job with reasonable accommodation;
  • Refusing to reasonably accommodate the religious practice or custom of an employee;
  • Unfairly enforcing disciplinary policies against members of minority groups;
  • Advertising positions in ways that excludes minority groups; and
  • Refusing to provide a reasonable accommodation for a disabled employee who requests it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Discrimination in the workplace can appear in a variety of ways, and a seasoned Savannah attorney can help you understand more about your situation.

Realities of a Hostile Work Environment

Even when discrimination or a labor violation hasn’t occurred, there is a legal expectation that your employer will control the workplace environment. This includes policies preventing harassment based on your identity, as well as setting up channels within the workplace for employees to file complaints should harassment occur.

For this reason, it is crucial that victims of workplace harassment report the behavior to their supervisors, human resources, or other designated entity in their company immediately. If the employer fails to respond, it may be time to speak to a Savannah workplace harassment attorney.

Let a Savannah Attorney Fight for Your Rights

Georgia labor and employment violations can be not only cumbersome, but also debilitating. Financial loss is one thing, but fear, stress, and a loss of self-esteem from repeated harassment or discrimination can also arise, and can have long term impacts on an individual’s emotional and mental wellbeing.

Our Savannah employment and labor attorneys at Morgan & Morgan recognize the harm this experience can cause for workers. If you think you’ve been a victim of unfair business practices, we can help. To learn what our Savannah employment and labor attorneys may be able to do for you, please fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.