Savannah Debt Collection Attorneys

Have you been hounded by phone calls from debt collectors? These debt collectors are harassers and abusers who prey on those who have fallen upon hard times. But if you’re being intimidated by debt collectors in Savannah, you have more rights than you may realize. You can put a stop to the harassment.

At Morgan & Morgan, our debt collection attorneys are experienced in taking these collectors to task. Our expert understanding of laws protecting citizens from debt collectors has allowed us to successfully stand up to the collectors for many of our clients, securing them compensation and offering much-needed peace of mind.

Debt collectors have been known to try and bully victims into paying unfair debts at moments of weakness. Some of these debts, though, are not even ones you are obliged to pay. Fraudulent collectors may try to scam you out of your rights and money. With a Morgan & Morgan debt collection harassment attorney at your side, however, you know that someone will be looking out for you.

If you are being harassed by debt collection agencies in Savannah, we can help. Please fill out our free case evaluation form to find out what a Savannah debt collection attorney may be able to do for you.

What Debt Collectors Can’t Do

If you have experienced first-hand how debt collectors operate, you may believe that there isn’t any relief from the countless phone calls. However, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act places strict standards of conduct upon nearly every third-party debt collector in the Unites States. Debt collectors cannot:

  • Threaten force, violence, or defamation;
  • Use obscene, profane, or abusive language;
  • Publish the names of alleged debtors;
  • Place phone calls with a frequency that is intended to harass;
  • Misrepresent the amount, nature, or origin of an alleged debt;
  • Impersonate law enforcement or another authority;
  • Misrepresent the potential penalties for non-payment, including telling alleged debtors they will be prosecuted, imprisoned, or have their wages garnished (unless garnishment is actually authorized by a court);
  • Add charges or fees not authorized by the original agreement;
  • Solicit or demand an excessively postdated check;
  • Threaten to repossess property when the right to do so does not actually exist.

How Can Victims of Debt Collector Harassment in Savannah Fight Back?

Debt collectors must cease communication with you once you notify them that an attorney represents you. Further, if you dispute a debt, they must cease communication until they are able to provide sufficient verification of the amount and nature of that debt.

When debt collectors nevertheless choose to ignore these reasonable rules, victims may bring a civil lawsuit for any actual damages they suffered, attorney fees, and up to $1,000 in additional statutory damages.

Morgan & Morgan Can Help Take Your Life Back from Debt Collectors

Debt collectors attack their victims in a position of weakness. They rely on fear and a lack of knowledge of the law among their victims to perpetrate harassment and often illegal conduct while pursuing debt.

If you have experienced debt harassment in Savannah, we may be able to help. Please fill out our free case evaluation form to have a Savannah debt collection harassment attorney evaluate your case.