Sarasota Labor and Employment Lawyers

The workplace should be free of conflict for employees, but unfortunately, harassment, discrimination, and wage theft are a reality among Sarasota’s more unscrupulous employers.

If you have filed a formal complaint against your employer in Sarasota and still face labor violations, harassment, or retaliation, we may be able to help. If you feel you have a potential employment or wage and hour case, you will want experienced employment lawyers by your side. Fill out a free case evaluation form to learn more about how we may be able to help

Why Should I Hire an Attorney?

If you are involved in a dispute with your employer, your decision to hire an attorney or pursue the matter alone can have a direct impact on whether your employment rights are ultimately protected. In most situations, the company, especially a large corporation, will have more resources than its employees. The company may have already legal counsel, or will hire its own team of attorneys to help limit their exposure and reduce the risk of litigation.

In these cases, you may need an employment lawyer who can protect your rights and improve your chances of filing a successful claim. It can be difficult to decide whether an employer’s actions are illegal, and speaking to our attorneys can help you make this important distinction. We can also address any concerns you may have about negative consequences at work and investigate potential wage and hour violations which may be creating hardships for you and your family. We generally handle these cases on a “contingency plus” representation, meaning that the employer/defendant is obligated to pay our attorneys’ fees and costs (or a percentage of the clients’ recovery if our total fees are not awarded by the court).

Can I be Retaliated Against for Filing a Complaint?

Retaliation against an employee who files an employment claim is strictly forbidden by law. Employers may not demote, reduce an employee’s hours, assign an employee an undesirable shift, reduce job duties, or give intentionally false poor performance reviews when a claim is filed. Employees may be entitled to additional compensation if their employer engages in retaliation.

Where do I Start?

At Morgan & Morgan, we handle numerous lawsuits involving labor and wage disputes in Sarasota, throughout Florida, and nationwide each year. We are extremely proud of the results that we have obtained in assisting workers with employment claims. To learn more, please contact us today for a free case review.