Prestonsburg Birth Injury Attorneys

The birthing process is a vulnerable time for all involved, but most of all for the newborn baby. Something as simple as too much force, pulling wrong, or not caring for the medical instruments used in the procedure can cause a lifetime of disability and pain for a child, along with a mountain of medical expenses for the family.

Medical facilities are not always forthright when mistakes occur, and parents with children who suffered birth injuries are often left wondering if their child’s injuries were simple misfortune of the result of medical negligence on the part of Prestonsburg doctors and medical staff.

If your child has been diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy, brain damage, or other forms of birth injury due to irregularities during childbirth, you owe it to yourself and to your child to know for sure. The Prestonsburg attorneys at Morgan & Morgan know how to spot medical mistakes and know the telltale signs of medical negligence during the birth process. We fight to hold medical facilities in Prestonsburg accountable when their lack of care causes permanent injury to a newborn.

Our birth injury attorneys don’t just fight for justice — we also work to try and recover the compensation you need to care for your child if those injuries were caused by avoidable mistakes. If your newborn suffered a birth injury at a Prestonsburg hospital or medical facility, we may be able to help. To learn what our Prestonsburg birth injury attorneys may be able to do for you, please fill out our free case evaluation form today.

Common Causes of Birth Injuries

The delivery process can be rife with complications if the physician is not careful. Among the most common causes of birth injuries include:

  • Excessive Force: The doctor causes nerve damage to the newborn by exerting too much force on a limb or the neck during vacuum extraction or using forceps.

  • Oxygen Deprivation: Complications, such as an umbilical cord wrapped around the neck, can deprive a newborn of oxygen. This can result in brain damage, permanent cognitive delays, or conditions such as cerebral palsy.

  • Delayed C-Section: A doctor may have a delayed response to fetal distress or otherwise fail to perform a C-section in a timely manner, causing injury or death to the newborn.

  • Inadequate Monitoring: The physician may not adequately monitor the mother and child’s condition before, during, or after the delivery, leading to complications or death. Conditions that require immediate attention from the physician that may go ignored include preeclampsia, placenta previa, ruptured uterus, and more.

Any of these examples of medical negligence or error can cause nerve damage, Erb’s palsy, Klumpke’s palsy, paralysis, brain damage, hemorrhaging, spinal cord damage, and other motor disorders. Our birth injury attorneys will work to establish negligence on the part of the medical professional by proving one of these common causes of birth injuries occurred during the delivery.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy can be caused by complications before or during birth. It is debilitating medical condition that negatively impacts a child’s motor function and can require costly lifelong medical care. A birth injury attorney can file a lawsuit for present and future medical costs, loss of future earning capacity, pain and suffering, among other damages that will help the family financially support their child with Cerebral palsy.

Congenital Cerebral palsy, which is caused by brain damage that occurs before or during birth, makes up 85 to 90 percent of Cerebral palsy cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Why Is it Important to Hold Doctors Accountable for Birth Injuries?

A permanent birth injury can change the life of a family drastically. Parents can often end up spending more and more money attempting to give their child the best life they can despite the injuries. What was supposed to be a happy family is now one strained both emotionally and financially, all because of a medical professional’s careless mistake.

Birth injuries are also emotionally burdening. The injured infant and beleaguered parents may now suffer a loss of enjoyment of life, as well as companionship. But a birth injury attorney may be able to present all of the physical, financial, and emotional damage done to your family, to the judge or jury and prove that you are entitled to significant compensation as a result.

If you believe your newborn was injured because of medical negligence during or prior to delivery, then legal action may be a way to help your child while also preventing injuries to other children. Consulting an experienced birth injury lawyer in Prestonsburg may be your best hope for securing the compensation you need to care for your child.

How Much Does a Birth Injury Attorney Cost?

Morgan & Morgan’s birth injury attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis. That means no upfront costs to you. You will only pay a reasonable fee if your attorney prevails in recovering compensation for you.

What Can I Recover From a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

If your infant has suffered a birth injury during the delivery process due to the negligence of a medical professional in Prestonsburg, you may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other economic and noneconomic damages. To learn how our birth injury attorneys in Prestonsburg may be able to help you, fill out our free case evaluation form today.