Orlando Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Entrusting your parent or loved one to an Orlando nursing home or managed care facility is never easy and requires a great deal of faith.

Unfortunately, the recent explosion in the elder care industry has made sub-standard nursing facilities all too common. These institutions maximize profits by cutting corners in both staffing and procedures. Their owners and shareholders reap the rewards while your elderly loved ones pay the price.

At Morgan & Morgan, we recognize nursing home abuse in Florida for the grave injustice that it truly is. Our elder abuse lawyers are proud to have helped families throughout the state get justice for aged relatives who have been abused, neglected, traumatized, or injured by nursing home negligence and staff abuse.

Contact us for a free case evaluation today.

The Increasing Problem of Nursing Home Abuse

Americans are living longer than ever, but are still plagued by old age-related diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and limited mobility.

Together, this means that there is a greater demand for long-term elder care now than ever before, especially in Florida, which has one of the highest percentages of senior citizens in the entire United States.

According to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, there are currently 681 licensed nursing homes in Florida, with room for more than 83,000 residents.

Unfortunately, licensure by itself does not necessarily guarantee quality. As demand for affordable elder care has increased, the number of nursing facilities throughout the United States has ballooned.

And as is unfortunately often the case, an sector that used to be dominated by small retirement homes, government-run facilities, and religious facilities has increasingly attracted large conglomerates whose concerns are profit first and quality second.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Spotting signs of nursing home abuse and neglect can be extremely difficult. Elder relatives suffering from dementia or who are otherwise confused often lack the ability to reliably communicate what they are experiencing.

Furthermore, loved ones can often experience injuries and bruising under normal conditions without any wrongdoing.

While these signs may not always be indicative of nursing home abuse or neglect, Florida residents who observe them in their elderly loved ones should consider investigating further:

  • Bed sores
  • Unexplained and recurring bruises
  • Dehydration or malnutrition
  • Consistently poor hygiene
  • Extreme fear or anxiety
  • Unexplained infections
  • Unexplained injuries

When the medical staff of a Florida nursing home is unable to provide a reasonable explanation for any of these injuries or conditions or if they are otherwise evasive, defensive, or deceptive when presented with legitimate concerns about your loved one’s condition, it may be time to contact an Orlando nursing home abuse attorney.

Our Florida elder care abuse lawyers know where to look to find signs of nursing home negligence and abuse, even when staffers are trying hard to cover it up.

We know the standards that Florida nursing homes must adhere to, including what must be recorded and how records must be kept, allowing us to hold long-term care facilities accountable for missing, altered, or omitted records and the acts of neglect or abuse they are trying to cover up.

Find Out How an Attorney Could Help

People who suspect their elderly loved ones have experienced nursing home abuse or neglect are often unsure of what to do. When their reasonable questions about their loved one’s condition and care are ignored or brushed off, the next step can often be unclear.

If you have these suspicions and have not gotten satisfaction from the staff at your loved one’s facility, having your situation evaluated by our team of Orlando nursing home neglect lawyers may give you peace of mind or the means to move your loved one into a better situation.

Call us today at 877.667.426 or contact us online to arrange a no-cost evaluation of your case.