
20 North Orange Ave, Suite 1600, Orlando, FL 32801

(407) 420-1414

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers in Orlando

Morgan & Morgan has made it their mission to protect the people, and not the powerful, throughout the U.S. - and it all started in Orlando. Since the first Morgan & Morgan office opened in 1988, it has expanded rapidly. Currently, the Orlando office has over 75 lawyers, ready to help with all sorts of cases relating to personal injuries and more.

Morgan & Morgan understands that those who have been hurt in accidents have more to worry about than fighting insurance companies or managing to sue a massive corporation. You might have medical bills, pain, loss of work or emotional damages. We work to not only get you your compensation, but take the stress off your hands during a lawsuit.

We at Morgan & Morgan have always been “for the people.” We act as your guide, helping you through tricky settlement negotiations or even getting your case heard by a jury. We also don’t receive a fee unless you win - your success is our first priority. Find out how our lawyers in Orlando can protect your legal rights with a free case review.

Cases We Handle

At Morgan & Morgan's Orlando personal injury attorneys handle a variety of injury cases, including:

The Lawsuit Process

Wondering how a potential personal injury lawsuit works? Each lawsuit has its unique specifics, but there can be a formula to the way it folds, and it’s helpful for you to know. Often, the process unfolds like so:

• Your attorney begins the process by drafting a document known as a complaint and then filing it in court. The complaint alleges what the defendant has done wrong and lays out a corrective course of action (e.g. paying a certain amount of damages).

• After the complaint is pre-trial maneuvering. During this period, lawyers on either side engage in discovery, an exchange of information that helps them build their case. Medical records can be obtained and witnesses can be interviewed during discovery, and often lawyers appear in court in front of a judge. This phase can last a few weeks or can go as long as several months.

• At any point during the pre-trial phase, a settlement can be reached. Quite often, cases like these do get settled before trial. As your legal counsel, we help decide if the settlement is a fair offer in relation to your injury. If we don’t feel it is, we prepare to go to trial.

• If the case doesn’t settle, both sides present their case to a judge and a verdict is reached. If we win your case, the judge orders the defendant to pay you, the plaintiff, a specific amount of money.

Speak With an Experienced Attorney For Free

Whether you need an attorney immediately or just have some initial questions, there is no substitute for speaking directly with a lawyer. Schedule a free consultation with an attorney at our Orlando office.

What our clients say

verdicts & settlements

  • John Maloney, as PR of the Estate of Carolyn Maloney vs. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co

  • Abrahams vs First Premier Bank

  • Donald Davis v. Jason and David Moore

  • Roundtree v. Schultz

  • Carpenter v. State Farm

  • Florida Outdoor Properties v. American Citrus, Calusa Growers

  • Max King Realty v. Recu, Barac

  • Willis v. Orange County Board of County Commissioners

  • Valdez v. City of Orlando

  • Tweed v. State Farm
