New York Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

An injury to your spinal cord can leave you physically, emotionally, and financially devastated. The spine is a unique part of the body; a blow to it can affect other major parts of your body, leading to long-term pain and suffering. If someone else’s negligence and carelessness caused this spinal cord injury, you shouldn’t have to be the one paying for the mountain of medical expenses that result from it.

At Morgan & Morgan, we are committed to helping victims of spinal cord injuries recover both emotionally and financially after an accident, and we’ve taken our track record of success and brought it to the great city of New York. Our spinal cord injury attorneys may be able to help you as well.

If you are dealing with the aftermath of a spinal cord injury, you may have options to receive compensation. If you would like to know more and determine whether you have a valid claim, fill out our free case review form.

Spinal Cord Injury Causes

Spinal injuries can be caused by many things, but the leading cause of spinal injuries in the United States among older adults is motor vehicle crashes, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

However, spinal cord injuries can be caused by quite a large number of things, including but not limited to:

  • Slip and falls;
  • Swimming pool accidents;
  • Medical malpractice;
  • Sporting injuries;
  • Defective products;
  • Workplace and/or construction accidents;
  • Birth injuries;
  • Boating accidents; and
  • Criminal violence.

The Impact of a Spinal Cord Injury

The spine is a uniquely vulnerable part of the body, and an injury to it can have wide-ranging effects on your body and well-being. Even minor ones can last longer than you would like.

Because of the role of the spine, injuries to it affect other parts of your body – injuries to your lower back can cause symptoms to show up in your legs, while an injury closer to your neck can cause problems in your arms and hands. Other effects impacting different parts of the body include incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

Even a light or moderate spinal cord injury can result in long-lasting pain. If you’re unfortunate enough to have a more severe injury, those long-term effects can be permanent. Others that aren’t permanent can still require surgery or surgeries. And in the event of a severed spinal cord, you may have permanent partial or total loss of feeling and use in your limbs.

All of this and more can lead not just to pain, but piles and piles of medical bills. You may not be able to afford any of these, especially if your injury has left you unable to work. Nonsurgical treatments can be expensive as well, and in some instances you’ll have to take into account future medical expenses, such as in-home rehabilitation.

It can all be very daunting. That’s why you should call Morgan & Morgan.

How an Attorney Can Help

It is essential for a spinal injury victim in New York to retain an attorney with significant experience in navigating insurance company settlement tactics. Often, insurance companies will offer a quick settlement in an attempt to catch victims in moments of weakness, even though the settlement is inadequate for your injuries.

Together with medical experts, our New York attorneys have helped spinal cord injury and back injury victims recover the compensation they need to help cover expenses like present and future medical bills, lost earnings, pain and suffering, among other damages. We do this by performing an extremely thorough investigation into your case. In this investigation, your attorney may:

  • Conduct witness interviews;
  • Review medical records, gather evidence, photograph the scene of the accident;
  • Work with orthopedic surgeons, pain management specialists, and vocational rehabilitation experts to assess the injuries suffered and develop a treatment plan;
  • Work with financial planners to calculate the value of expected future loss wages and income; or
  • Determine whether the victim is covered by a workers’ compensation program (for workplace accidents).

The information and evidence we are able to get from this process go into building a case that we may present to a judge or jury, showing as best we can that the injury to your spine was directly caused by the negligence of someone else, and that you are owed compensation for the injuries that resulted.

Contact Morgan & Morgan Today

You should not have to bear the medical expenses of a spinal cord injury by yourself if someone else was responsible for the injury. Morgan & Morgan attorneys have the experience and integrity needed to give their clients a fighting chance. For more information, fill out our free, no-obligation case review form for a full evaluation of your case.