New York

850 3rd Ave, Suite 402, Brooklyn, NY 11232

(212) 564-1637

Personal Injury Lawyers in Brooklyn

In the city that never sleeps, accidents and injuries occur around the clock. New York City has the largest single concentration of law firms in the nation, many of them dedicated to the practice of corporate litigation. At Morgan & Morgan, we know that the soul of a city lies in its people, not in powerful entities. If an individual or organization has caused you harm, our attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can help to make things right by holding the responsible party accountable and making sure that you recover the compensation needed to make a full recovery.

Learn more about how we get results for clients during a free case review.

Cases We Handle

At Morgan & Morgan's New York personal injury attorneys handle a variety of injury cases, including:

Why Choose Morgan & Morgan?

Morgan & Morgan attorneys are required to take at least three cases to trial each year. Most personal injury lawyers opt to reach settlements out of court. In fact, many of these lawyers go for years without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom.

Not us. Decades of legal experience has taught our team that taking a case to trial is often the only way to force insurance companies and other defendants to pay a fair amount to injured plaintiffs. In many cases, settlements are a fraction of what clients would have received had their attorney insisted on going before a judge.

Morgan & Morgan isn’t a standalone office. We’re a nationwide law firm with the resources to handle the largest cases against the most powerful companies. Our dedication to getting top compensation for clients and treating them with compassion and respect has fueled our growth from a three attorney firm to a firm with hundreds of lawyers and thousands of support staff. But the basics of our practice have not changed. We’ve always been, and always will be, for the people.

How Will Filing a Lawsuit Improve My Life?

We see firsthand the toll injuries take on individuals and families. The medical bills, lost work time, and diminished ability to live a full and productive life that often accompany a serious injury can be devastating. When somebody else is responsible for harming you, it only adds insult to injury.

A personal injury lawsuit is meant to make the victim whole again. Full and fair compensation for injuries that are no fault of your own can go a long way towards getting your life back to how it was before an accident and ensuring that your family will be provided for. There is also the matter of bringing the negligent party to justice and providing some measure of closure to a regrettable turn of events.

What Does the Lawsuit Process Entail?

After your free case evaluation, our team will determine if Morgan & Morgan is able to take your case. We don’t accept all cases, and if we think that you don’t have a case or that another firm is better-suited to handle your claim, we’ll let you know.

If you become a client, you’ll meet in person with your attorney and begin the formal process of building the case. You’ll need to share with us any evidence or documentation of the accident and its aftermath. In due time, an attorney will file a legal document with the court that officially starts the lawsuit process.

From that point forward your lawyer will handle every aspect of the case. You may have to answer questions under oath as part of the discovery process, during which lawyers for each side gather and share information relevant to the lawsuit. There is also a chance that, if the case goes to trial, you’ll have your day in court to tell your side of the story. Should these steps be necessary, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

The most important thing during this time is for you to rest and recover while we work on your case. That said, we’ll constantly communicate with you about the status of the case and you’ll always be able to reach us with any questions or concerns. And, from time to time, we’ll need to reach out to you to clarify certain points. Remember, though, that we work for you. The client has the final say on whether to accept a settlement or to try the case in court. Also keep in mind that you pay nothing for our services unless we recover compensation for you.

Is There Anything Else That I Need to Know?

It’s important that you keep records related to your losses. Evidence such as receipts, medical bills, credit card statements, phone numbers of witnesses, and photos and videos of the accident and your injuries are hugely important to your case. Given the time sensitivity of some evidence, it’s also important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Do not communicate with any person or organization representing the other party. If an insurance company or attorney reaches out to you, politely decline comment and promptly refer them to your Morgan & Morgan attorney, as anything you say could be used to invalidate your injury claim.

Above all, know that you are in good hands with Morgan & Morgan. We’re one of the largest and most successful plaintiffs firms in the country. Our lawyers are personal injury law veterans, expert negotiators, and, if need be, aggressive litigators. We only accept cases that we think we can win, and we don’t accept lowball settlements.

It costs nothing to discuss your case with us, and if we recover nothing, you pay nothing.

Get started today with your free consultation.

What our clients say

verdicts & settlements