Naples Car Accident Lawyers

The car accident attorneys in Morgan & Morgan’s Naples office are dedicated to helping clients recover the compensation they need to make a full recovery. If you or a loved one has been injured, our experienced car accident attorneys can help you ensure you receive full PIP benefits and can determine whether you can seek further compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.

We have established a history of success helping car accident victims recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other damages that were only incurred because of another’s negligence.

If you have been seriously injured in a Naples automobile accident, you may be able to collect compensation beyond your insurer’s allowance. To learn if you are eligible to file a lawsuit for additional compensation, please complete our free case review form today.

When Can I File a Lawsuit?

If you sustain an injury that is classified as an “emergency medical condition” and your PIP benefits have been exhausted, your Naples attorney may be able to help you file a lawsuit. Your attorney will seek to recover compensation for medical expenses, as well as other accident-related costs not covered by PIP insurance.

These are known as “special damages” and can cover costs for automobile repairs, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other accident-related damages. Potential defendants can include the negligent driver, their insurance company, or your own insurer.

If you are seriously injured and need additional compensation to cover your losses, contact a Naples car accident attorney for assistance. The insurance company or other driver may try to downgrade your injury from an “emergency medical condition” to one not meeting the requirements necessary to sue.

How Will a Naples Car Accident Attorney Help Me?

Once PIP benefits have been exhausted, your attorney may file a lawsuit on your behalf against, in many cases, the negligent driver and/or their insurer. Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation of both the accident and your injuries.

Investigating the Accident

While investigating the car accident, your attorney may:

  • Review Naples police reports
  • Examine photos taken on the scene after the accident
  • Study witness statements and, if necessary, re-question them
  • Inspect the scene of the accident for remaining evidence (e.g. skid marks, property damage, etc.)
  • Inspect the damage on each vehicle, if possible
  • Simulate the accident with the help of an expert accident recreationist

Investigating the Injuries

While looking into the serious injuries you sustained, your attorney may:

  • Review photographs taken at the scene
  • Scrutinize photographs of the interior and exterior of the vehicle(s)
  • Question EMTs and medical staff who treated you on the scene immediately following the accident
  • Study Naples police reports
  • Interview the physician(s) who treated you at the medical care center
  • Review physicians’ medical reports concerning your injuries, as well as the injuries sustained by others in all vehicles involved
  • Examine cat-scans, x-rays, and other tests used to identify the extent, severity, and any potential complications of your injury
  • Consulting an expert medical witness with information he or she gathered for additional insight into the severity and cause of the injury

Settlements and Jury Trials

Your attorney and the defense may engage in settlement negotiations; the defense will likely suggest low-ball offers and discount the validity of the information in your claim or the severity of your injury. Your attorney will ensure you are not under-compensated for your damages.

If negotiations are unsuccessful, your claim will be filed with the court. Both parties will have time to prepare a case, which will then be heard before a judge who will determine the compensation, if any, to which you are entitled.

Contact Morgan & Morgan Today

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car accident, your insurance benefits may not be sufficient to cover your losses. To learn how a Naples attorney may be able to help you seek the compensation to which you are lawfully entitled, please complete our case review form.