Naples Burn Injury Attorneys

The damage a burn injury causes can take years to recover from. Many lead to permanent scars and disfigurements. In particularly extreme cases, you could be dealing with long-term or permanent nerve damage. In many cases like this, the fire that caused the injury may not even be your fault. If that’s the case for you, you may be able to file a claim.

Morgan & Morgan has experienced attorneys in Naples who understand the ins and outs of local law, and are seasoned burn injury attorneys. Our attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have secured millions in compensation for clients nationwide, and we may be able to help you as well with your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

If you or a loved one has been burned in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Florida has a statute of limitations on personal injury cases, so time is of the essence. To learn more, fill out our free, no-obligation case review form.

Types of Burn Injury Claims

Some examples of burn cases that we handle are:

  • Fires in recreation areas (hotels, clubs, restaurants, etc.);
  • Electrical fires;
  • Defective products;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Locked fire exits; and
  • Scalding water and pipes.

Fires At Home & On the Job

Homes and offices are two of the most common places fire can start, and could end up injuring you.

Those who maintain the place where you work have a legal obligation to maintain it with proper fire safety. This is also true if you rent your home; a landlord is obligated to make sure they have proper fire prevention. Naples’ code of ordinances, for example, requires all structures to have at least one standard, working fire extinguisher.

Not having a fire extinguisher isn’t the only way your landlord could be putting you in danger of a fire in your own home. Not installing a smoke detector improperly heating your apartment, and not having a clear fire escape can all contribute to a dangerous situation.

If your landlord’s negligence caused a fire or injury, you do have options. Landlords will often try to intimidate tenants, but you have the legal right to file a claim against them and seek compensation.

Injuries caused by a fire on-the-job may allow you to file a workers’ compensation claim. If you feel as if your workers’ compensation is not enough for the damage you’ve received from your burn, your attorney can potentially negotiate with your employer’s insurance for more. Depending on your injury, you may also be able to file a third-party lawsuit (for example, a fire caused by a defective product exploding might allow you to file a lawsuit against the product manufacturer).

How We Can Help

At Morgan & Morgan, our burn injury attorneys perform thorough investigations to determine whether or not you have a valid case, and if you do, that information helps us build your case into one we can present to a judge or jury. Included in this process is:

  • Gathering relevant evidence, such as fire department reports, photographs of the scene of the accident, and police reports;
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses;
  • Reviewing medical records and reports;
  • Work with medical experts to evaluate the cost of your injury and of any potential future medical expenses; and
  • Work with safety inspectors and electricians to more firmly establish the cause of your injury.

With all of this — and sometimes more — we’re able to expertly craft a case to present that shows how our client was hurt by someone else’s negligence, and how they are owed compensation as a result.

Contact Morgan & Morgan in Naples Today

No one should have to face the fallout of a burn injury alone. Identifying the negligence of a landlord, motorist, or other at-fault individual requires a steady hand, and our attorneys in our Naples office are up to the task.

Building the perfect case can take time, so it’s important to contact Morgan & Morgan as soon as possible if you feel you have a case. To learn more, please fill out our totally free, no-obligation case evaluation form.