Mobile Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

Entrusting your parent or loved one to a nursing home or other elder care facility can be a difficult decision, and not one that should be taken lightly. Even then, your loved one’s health and financial situation should be frequently monitored to ensure they aren’t being abused or taken advantage of.

At Morgan & Morgan, we recognize nursing home abuse in Alabama for its grave injustice, and its large but unfortunate scope in our elder-friendly state.

Our elder abuse lawyers in Mobile are proud to have helped families throughout the state get justice for older relatives who have been abused, neglected, traumatized, or injured by nursing home negligence and staff abuse. And they’re ready to help you too. Fill out our free case review form to learn more today.

The Increasing Problem of Nursing Home Abuse

Americans are living longer than ever, but are still plagued by age-related diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Other diseases crop up more frequently in old age, like diabetes and limited mobility diseases, among others.

And as is unfortunately often the case, a sensitive sector of the market that was once dominated by small retirement homes, government-run facilities, and responsible religious entities has increasingly attracted large companies concerned with profit, and not the quality of care provided to your family members.

Common Signs of Abuse

The Alabama Aging and Disability Resource Center provides some fantastic tips on recognizing elder abuse and how to go about eliminating it.

Several other ways of determining if elder abuse is taking place exist:

  • Bedsores;
  • Unexplained and recurring bruises;
  • Dehydration or malnutrition;
  • Consistently poor hygiene;
  • Extreme fear or anxiety;
  • Unexplained infections; and
  • Unexplained injuries.

This is just a start. You should follow up on any abnormalities in your loved one’s behavior, physical appearance, or nursing home situation.

Contact a Mobile Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

People who suspect their elderly loved ones have experienced nursing home abuse or neglect are often unsure of what to do. The next step can often be unclear after reasonable questions about a loved one’s conditions and care have been ignored.

If you have these suspicions and have not received satisfactory answers from your loved one’s nursing home or other care, it may be time to consider retaining an attorney to help you investigate. Our team of Mobile elder abuse attorneys is prepared to help you try and fight for compensation for this terrible trend.

Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready today.