Mobile Dog Bite Attorneys

Many people have been bitten by a dog at some point in their lives. A minor attack can be painful and traumatic, but it pales in comparison to an attack that can change a life, such as a large dog attacking a child. Victims of serious dog attacks can suffer disfigurement, nerve damage, psychological issues, and much more.

Owning a dog is a serious responsibility, but oftentimes that responsibility isn’t taken seriously. When dog owners fail to adequately train their dog or otherwise control them, our dog bite attorneys at Morgan & Morgan are ready to hold them accountable and recover compensation for you for their negligence. Our Mobile office can help you today.

Fill out our free case review form to learn more.

Alabama Dog Bite Law

Many states recognize that when a person chooses to own or keep a dog or other potentially dangerous animal, that person must also take responsibility for the harm caused. Alabama has a dog bite law that emphasizes the responsibility of the owner, but also takes proof of their negligence more seriously.

Alabama’s dog bite law stipulates that dog owners are liable for the actions of their dogs on property both private and public, but offers some leeway if the animal was not known to be hostile or was provoked.

The statute gets narrower on private property, but as long as the victim is lawfully present they’re likely to be protected. This means people who are invited to the property, but also postal workers, police officers, and other government agents. Prominently posted warning signs can reduce liability, but this isn’t a surefire method of protection.

What a Mobile Attorney Can do for You

Alabama’s dog bite laws are generally favorable to victims of animal attacks. Still, receiving compensation can be difficult because of the issue of the victim’s damages and the efforts of the parties responsible for paying.

Dog owners and their insurers will attempt to minimize the extent of your injuries and their liability, such as testifying to the healability of scars and disfiguring injuries.

An experienced Mobile attorney can identify the weaknesses inherent in the arguments made by owners, insurers, and experts determined to keep you from getting you fair compensation.

Contact Us Today

Being bitten by a dog can be harrowing and traumatic, and can put you in a situation where you need effective legal representation to ensure you receive the compensation you need for your injuries.

Mobile residents who’ve suffered due to a dog owner’s negligence can seek compensation today. Having an experienced, competent attorney can strengthen the likelihood of a successful outcome. Morgan & Morgan’s Mobile office has attorneys on hand that are experienced in dog bite law, and ready to handle your claim. Fill out a free, no-risk case evaluation form today if you’re ready to seek justice.