Mobile Burn Injury Attorneys

A burn is one of the most unfortunate injuries to experience, causing immense pain and often leaving lasting physical damage. But you don’t have to face the physical, emotional, and financial burden alone.

If you or a loved one was victim to a burn injury due to another’s negligence, an experienced Morgan & Morgan burn injury lawyer may be able to help you recover what you need to return to a high quality of life.

Our team of Mobile personal injury attorneys has had great success recovering compensation for victims of burns in the workplace or due to another person’s negligence, and we may be able to help you too.

What Burns Can do to You

Some of the worst effects and aftereffects of a severe burn include:

  • Significant pain;
  • Pressure and discomfort;
  • Loss of feeling;
  • Blistering, charring;
  • Skin loss, permanent impairment; and
  • Potential for amputation.

Where Burns are Treated

Mobile is home to one of Alabama’s three burn centers, the University of South Alabama Regional Medical Center, which features a burn ward. This means treatment is likely quick and forthcoming, especially for cases that need immediate attention.

Common Burn Locations

Burns can come about as a result of any of the following accidents:

  • Apartment building fires;
  • Workplace injuries;
  • Truck accidents and tanker explosions;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Electrical cord fires;
  • Defective products;
  • Locked fire exits;
  • Scalding water and pipes;
  • Electrical accidents; and
  • Recreational fires (hotel, restaurant, retail outlet, nightclub).

This list is by no means exhaustive. You might experience a burn when faced with any of these incidents, or a completely different one. The cause of your burn might remain unknown, like this Mobile tenant who had a fire break out at the home he was renting. An attorney can help wade through the situation and determine responsibility.

Count on a Strong, Mobile Burn Injury Attorney

Our team of Mobile attorneys at Morgan & Morgan understands the debilitating effects a burn can have on an individual.

Dealing with a burn injury, the resulting physical and financial costs, and the long process of recovery can be daunting. Our attorneys are ready to fight for you to potentially recover compensation in court. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready today.