Mobile Brain Injury Attorneys

Few things compare to the harrowing nature of a traumatic brain injury. The road to recovery can be equally painful, causing you physical, emotional, and financial distress. Worse still is the reality that your suffering may be occurring through no fault of your own.

At Morgan & Morgan, our team of brain injury attorneys understands the care and responsibility that goes into stewarding a brain injury case, and stands ready to help you improve your quality of life and seek justice for your injury.

Components of a Brain Injury Lawsuit

A traumatic brain injury occurs when an individual suffers a bump, bruise, or jolt to the head, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

A brain injury attorney must go through a series of steps to prove his victim’s injuries, and the negligence of another as their cause. An attorney must prove several things, particularly in the case of medical malpractice.

For example, a doctor must be shown to have a duty of care to their patient, then have shown they breached that duty. That breach must have directly resulted in injuries, for which there are damages to the victim.

The same process is employed for a variety of other situations, like auto accidents or at work incidents. Negligence must be similarly proven, and attributed to the at-fault driver or employer of the victim.

TBI Can be Devastating

Some of TBI’s most devastating effects include:

  • Seizures;
  • Headaches and difficulty concentrating;
  • Personality changes;
  • Psychological changes; and
  • Loss of memory.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. TBI can cause a bevy of harrowing injuries, all serving to lessen your enjoyment and fulfillment in life, among other things.

Who is Responsible?

Responsibility is sometimes difficult to determine, but can include healthcare professionals, motorists, employers, landlords, and more. A slippery staircase or a deadly machine can turn another day on the job or a trip to the grocery store into a nightmare, through no fault of your own. Similarly, a trip to the doctor for a routine operation might end in disaster, leaving you with few options for recourse.

Our attorneys are adept at determining negligence, and how best to build a case around an individual’s breach of duty of care or other expectations society places upon them.

Reasons to Consider Filing Suit

Filing suit can be a difficult decision, but it can also bring physical and financial relief to a beleaguered TBI victim and his or her loved ones. At Morgan & Morgan, our attorneys understand the care and attention required for a brain injury case, and are ready to help you fight for your compensation.

If you or a loved one has experienced a TBI, or any type of brain injury, our Mobile attorneys can help try and get you justice for another’s negligence. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready today.