Mobile Boating and Maritime Accident Attorneys

Mobile is home to one of the largest ports in America. This area has a rich history of maritime culture, including one of the most remarkable oceanic phenomenons, the Mobile Bay jubilee. It’s also home to the Port of Mobile, one of the largest freight ports in the Gulf. This lends the city a strong mix of boating for both business, and pleasure. Unfortunately, both can put you in danger, and possibly lead to injury due to another’s negligence. The prospect is daunting, especially after the fact. Our Mobile attorneys are ready to help you by investigating your claim and explaining your options. Fill out our free case evaluation form today.

Mobile Recreational Boating Accidents

Recreational boating is a sizable activity in Mobile, and anything from a jet ski to a yacht can be dangerous. Our attorneys have successfully argued for negligence in a variety of circumstances, including if your operator:

  • Hit a big wave or wake at an excessive speed;
  • Navigated in heavy weather, causing individuals to fall overboard;
  • Made contact with propellers;
  • Operated at a high speed;
  • Did not carry the proper equipment;
  • Collided with another boat or object; or
  • Overcrowded or overloaded the vessel.

These are just a few examples of negligent behavior. A strong Mobile attorney can help you determine if you’re a victim of another’s negligence.

Accidents sustained on the high seas while at work are governed by a different set of principles than recreational boating. Specifically, they’re covered by provisions of the Jones Act, which gives individuals who work on the high seas an avenue of recourse in case of injury. An individual who suffers an injury while working offshore or aboard a vessel may be able to file a workers’ compensation or negligence claim.

Workers’ Compensation Claims: An injured individual can file a workers’ compensation claim under state or federal law to receive benefits, including medical treatment.

Negligence Claims: Alternatively, the aggrieved can file a claim against an employer, third party or boating insurance company. To prevail, the plaintiff will have to prove a negligent act of another led to his or her injuries. In certain states, to prove negligence, the plaintiff must show that:

  • The accused owed the plaintiff a duty of care;
  • That duty of care was breached;
  • The accused person’s negligence was the cause of the accident; and
  • Injuries were sustained as a result.

Evidence that may be helpful in proving negligence include:

  • Photographs of the injury or property damage;
  • Videos or photographs of the scene of the accident;
  • Eyewitness statements or testimony; and
  • Police reports.

Contacting an experienced maritime and admiralty attorney can help individuals understand their rights under federal, state, and international waters laws, and collect the documentation needed to file a successful claim.

Contact a Knowledgeable Mobile Attorney to Represent You

The circumstances around a boating accident, particularly at the workplace, can be “up for debate,” according to some insurance companies or negligent parties. Sadly, your injuries aren’t up for debate, and you deserve compensation for what you’ve endured.

A reliable Morgan & Morgan maritime attorney can help you understand your position, investigate the facts, and determine how best to proceed with your case. Fill out a free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready for justice today.