Memphis Maritime & Boating Accident Lawyers

Although the oceans, lakes, and rivers surrounding and included in the United States offer ease of transportation, trade, shipping, and recreation, they also sometimes pose a danger to property and individuals alike. Individuals injured on a cruise ship, riverboat, or recreational vessel can sue the owner or the ship operator for negligence or any other violation that led to injuries. Additionally, the law provides legislation like the Jones Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act that allows sailors and other employees of vessels to seek compensation for their workplace injuries.

Have you or someone you know been injured as an employee or passenger of a boat? The Memphis Maritime Admiralty lawyers at Morgan & Morgan are skilled in litigating personal injury, workplace injury through the Jones Act, and other claims that took place on the water or on the surrounding docks and loaders. Fill out our no-cost, no-obligation form to receive a free consultation from a knowledgeable maritime admiralty attorney.

What Is the Jones Act?

The Act allows for sailors and other employees on vessels to seek compensation for injuries caused by the ship’s owner, captain, or other crew members.

The Jones Act is the common name for what is officially the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, a federal statute regulating maritime commerce but also codifying the rights of seaman. The Act allows for sailors and other employees on vessels to seek compensation for injuries caused by the ship’s owner, captain, or other crew members. The Jones Act has been determined to cover those who spend more than 30 percent of their time in the service of a navigating vessel. The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) also provides employment-injury and occupational disease protection benefits to injured maritime workers who are not covered by the Jones Act or state workers’ compensation laws.

How a Memphis Riverboat Attorney Can Help

Though many maritime injuries and casualties are the result of carelessness by an individual, an accident may also be the result of negligence of a third party or subpar boating equipment. Therefore, if you or a loved one is involved in a boating or recreation accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Although the Mississippi River is an invaluable resource to Memphis and the surrounding areas, it can also prove dangerous to sailors, boat passengers, and bystanders alike. If you are injured as a worker or a passenger on a famed riverboat like the American Queen, on a cargo vessel on the Mississippi, or just as a passenger on a recreational boat in a place like Douglas Lake or Ft. Loudon Lake, an attorney can help you recover just compensation for medical bills (present and future), lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Fill out the simple form on the right for a free case review from an experienced and knowledgeable Morgan & Morgan maritime admiralty attorney.