Memphis Aviation Accident Attorney

Words cannot describe the pain of losing a loved one in an aviation accident. Yet when the negligent action of another party is at fault, families and survivors deserve just compensation. After all, such accidents are often preventable had it not been for: pilot error, mechanical failure, ground control error, etc.

Morgan & Morgan, located in Commerce Square, provides experienced counsel to individuals injured in airplane, helicopter, and other aviation accidents. Our lawyers recognize what is at stake in your case and will fight aggressively to secure compensation for you and your family.

Proving negligence in Memphis airplane accidents

When an aircraft crashes into a fixed object, building or another aircraft, negligence is often to blame. That being said, strong winds, lightning storms, and dense fog can cause a pilot to lose control and crash. Our personal injury attorneys carefully rule out possibilities like weather and scrutinize every detail of your case to determine who is at fault.

For the following scenario, let’s assume the airport is to blame for your accident for failing to maintain its runway. For your case against the airport to be successful, we must prove the following elements of negligence:

  • A duty was owed to you by the airport — The airport had a duty to ensure the runway would be clear and maintained and that you would be safely transported.
  • The duty was breached by the airport — The airport breached its duty to you by failing to maintain its runway.
  • Without the airport’s actions, your injuries would not have occurred — Had the airport maintained its runway, the pavement would not have potholes and the plane would not have crashed.
  • The airport’s actions directly caused your injuries — The airport’s failure to remedy the damaged runway caused your injuries.

Who is at fault when an aviation accident occurs in Memphis?

Some people assume that when an aviation accident occurs due to negligence, the pilot is always the partly at fault. While this may be true in some cases, other parties, such as the owner of the airplane, may also be liable. Following are examples of possible defendants in a Memphis airplane crash case:

  • Commercial carrier
  • Aircraft pilot
  • Aircraft owner
  • Manufacturer

Depending on the circumstances of your case, one or more of the above parties may be liable for your injuries.

Contact our experienced Memphis accident lawyers today

After sustaining injury in an aviation accident, it is in your best interests to speak to an attorney as soon as you are able. At Morgan & Morgan our skilled lawyers do not delay in seeking compensation for you and your family. To discuss your aviation accident case with our legal team today, contact us online.