Melbourne Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Visiting a doctor comes with certain expectations, like being in highly trusted, educated, and responsible hands. This is most often the case, and it’s a good thing, too. But doctors can sometimes fail to meet the standard of care expected of them. Mistakes or negligence can result in life-threatening situations like illness or infection potentially leading to serious injury , disability, and even death.

Our medical malpractice attorneys have decades of experience handling medical malpractice suits. Our Melbourne office can help you pursue your case and justice. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn more today.

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice is a broad area of law that involves a breach of duty of care on the part of a medical professional that leads to medical errors. This often involves surgery, but can cover a variety of other circumstances such as:

  • Misdiagnosis, as well as the failure to diagnose a medical condition in a timely manner;
  • Prescribing wrong drugs, causing harmful side effects or overdose;
  • Over-prescribing drugs and helping cause a harmful addiction;
  • Waiting too long or failing to perform a circumstantially necessary medical procedure, such as a C-section;
  • Failing to follow proper medical hygiene procedures, leading to dangerous infections; and
  • Failure to monitor patients.

This list isn’t exhaustive. Whether you’re going under the knife or not, if you leave a medical professional feeling worse than you started, and think they might be the one to blame, contacting an attorney could mean getting the help you need.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Medical malpractice is a section of the legal field that is highly complex, owing to the interplay between medical and legal concepts. Statutes pertaining to medical malpractice are constantly changing and expanding. Florida state law also imposes special procedural requirements on medical malpractice claims in an effort to discourage these kinds of claims and encourage settlement before trial.

Our attorneys comb through medical records to get the most accurate depiction of what occurred as possible. These records are reviewed with medical professionals to determine their importance in relation to the case, and if they hold any information that can help get you compensation, such as evidence of a breach of duty of care.

Our Victories

Although prior success cannot guarantee future outcome, our medical malpractice lawyers have a reputation for winning, and some of our settlements have been substantial.

  • $3 million settlement for a family after a 38-year-old husband and father passed after a failure to diagnose and treat an infection.
  • $1.5 million settlement after a brain injury to a newborn during birth.
  • $1.25 million verdict awarded to the husband of a 63-year-old woman who passed away during a cardiac stent procedure.
  • $1.25 million settlement after the failure to diagnose and treat an infection resulted in the death of a 51-year-old mother.
  • $1.1 million settlement for a client who was the victim of negligence on the part of a neurosurgeon during an operation, causing paraplegia.
  • $1 million settlement for a 38-year-old woman after a failure to diagnose her colon cancer.
  • $1 million settlement for the wrongful death of a 60-year-old man after a nursing staff failed to respond to his respiratory arrest.

Contact a Competent Melbourne Medical Malpractice Attorney Today

Proving a medical malpractice case can be difficult, and taking on a well-protected doctor or hospital alone isn’t enough. In most cases, the healthcare industry will not admit wrongdoing, and refuse to offer compensation.

Our medical malpractice attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have a proven track record of success. They have helped hold healthcare professionals accountable for carelessness with million-dollar settlements and verdicts, including one for more than $38 million against a doctor who failed to perform a timely C-section.

Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.