Melbourne Burn Injury Attorneys

A burn injury can be one of the most devastating things that can happen to you, causing lasting physical and financial suffering, often at no fault of your own. Our Melbourne office burn injury attorneys recognize the physical and psychological damage caused by burns, and the difficulty that comes with treating them. A serious burn injury can mean years of healing, even in the face of our improved technology.

The closest dedicated burn center to Melbourne is the Orlando Regional Medical Center, a short journey by helicopter and about an hour’s drive away. The city is in a better situation than many others, but Melbourne itself doesn’t have a dedicated burn unit, so you may be looking at an expensive trip.

If you’ve been injured by a burn, we may be able to help you seek compensation for the losses you received. Fill out our free case evaluation form to learn more today.

Common Burn Locations and Symptoms

Burns can happen as a result of any of these types of fires or accidents:

  • Apartment building fires;
  • Workplace injuries;
  • Truck accidents and tanker explosions;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Electrical cord fires;
  • Defective products;
  • Locked fire exits;
  • Scalding water and pipes;
  • Electrical accidents; and
  • Recreational fires (hotel, restaurant, retail outlet, nightclub).

But most burns happen in the home, according to the American Burn Association. This might be because of your own actions, but often other factors come into play. You might think that you caused a fire in your home, but it could actually be the fault of your landlord or employer.

Faulty equipment, like ionization smoke detectors — which often fail to detect slow smoldering fires — can lead to dangerous situations when you might not know a fire is in your home. Some ionization smoke detector manufacturers have had lawsuits filed against them. Other faulty tools, like fire suppression devices, are also possibly dangerous, and have faced product defect allegations.

Another common burn location is the workplace, commonly in restaurant or industrial settings. This can mean grease fires or boiling liquids, plus open flames, all of which can contribute to a dangerous environment and painful burns. Your employer, landlord, or other individual or company may be responsible depending on where you received your burns.

Hire a Competent Melbourne Burn Attorney to Represent You

At Morgan & Morgan, our knowledgeable attorneys can help you seek justice in situations such as being burned at the workplace or injured in an accident involving faulty equipment provided by your landlord.

Our Melbourne attorneys understand the complexities of burn cases, whether they happen at home or in the workplace. They can try and fight for the compensation you need by investigating your claim and pursuing it in court. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form if you’re ready today.