Melbourne Brain Injury Attorneys

A brain injury can be life-changing, traumatizing, and ultimately change your quality of life. These complex injuries require expensive treatment and rehabilitation, all of which can cost more than a person is able to afford, especially if they are no longer able to work following their injury.

Our brain injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan understand the hardship a traumatic brain injury can have on an individual, and have a strong record of recovering compensation for those who have suffered. Our Melbourne team can help you seek justice for the injury you might have experienced. You shouldn’t have to fight alone. For more information on how we may be able to help, fill out our free case evaluation form.

Components of a Brain Injury Lawsuit

A traumatic brain injury can occur when an individual suffers a bump, jolt, or another blow to the head, according to the Centers for Disease Control. A brain injury negligence claim requires an attorney prove several things, particularly in the case of medical malpractice. For example, a doctor must be shown to have a duty of care to their patient, then have shown they breached that duty. That breach must have directly resulted in injuries, for which there are damages to the victim.

Other cases, such as those caused by negligent motorists or dangerous working conditions, follow much of the same process when it comes to proving negligence. This process benefits from a highly knowledgeable brain injury attorney such as one of Morgan & Morgan’s specialists.

Effects of Brain Injuries

The effects of a traumatic brain injury can be devastating and may include:

  • Seizures
  • Headaches and difficulty concentrating
  • Personality changes
  • Psychological changes
  • Loss of memory

This is just the tip of the iceberg. You may experience these symptoms and more if you are the victim of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Source of Injuries

Our attorneys handle brain injury cases of the following types:

Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Accidents: A leading cause of TBIs is car accidents in people aged 15 to 44, according to the CDC. These accidents occur when drivers fail to heed the rules of the road.

Medical Malpractice/Birth Injury: If a healthcare professional deviates from the expectations of the medical community and causes an injury at birth or during a surgery.

Work Accidents: Workplace accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries, where negligence results in a bump, jolt, bang, or even worse, to your head.

Although prior results cannot guarantee future outcome, some of our verdicts for our clients who have pursued brain injury lawsuits have been substantial:

  • $475,000 after a pedestrian was struck by a bus at night in an unlit area, causing a head injury and neurological and physical damage
  • $615,000 after a poorly maintained company van rolled over on the highway, devastating the driver
  • $5.8 million after a car crash permanently damaged a pregnant mother and her son, and killed her unborn child

Reasons to Consider Filing Suit

Facing a TBI alone can be daunting, especially when the personal and financial costs begin to add up. At Morgan & Morgan, our Melbourne office’s legal team is filled with knowledgeable, compassionate people who are ready to start the fight for justice for you.

If you or a loved one has experienced TBI due to another’s negligence, don’t wait to seek justice. Fill out our free case evaluation form if you’re ready today.