Louisville Slip and Fall Attorneys

Businesses and property owners in Kentucky have a duty to keep their premises free from hazards. In addition, at locations where there has been a history of violent crime, this duty also requires businesses and property owners to take adequate measures from preventing crime from occurring.

If you have been injured because of an unsafe property condition or because of a criminal act at a location that did not have adequate security measures in place, Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys may be able to help you recover compensation for your losses. This may include medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering and other damages. Our premises liability lawyers in Louisville can investigate to determine whether you have a case and fight on your behalf, while you recover from your injuries without stress.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident in the Louisville area, complete our free, no-obligation case review form today to learn about your legal options. In Kentucky, a slip and fall lawsuit must be filed within one year of the date of the accident, so it is important that you contact us as soon as possible.

I Slipped and Fell – Can I Sue?

If a Louisville business or property owner failed to use reasonable care in maintaining his premises and you slipped and fell because of the dangerous property condition, Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys may be able to file a premises liability lawsuit on your behalf.

What Is Reasonable Care?

Reasonable care includes regular maintenance of the premises and ensuring that the property is free from hazards that could hurt visitors.

What Is a Dangerous Property Condition?

A dangerous property condition is any hazard that presents an unreasonable risk of harm to the public. Examples of dangerous property conditions include:

  • Wet or slippery floors
  • Unsafe staircases
  • Uneven sidewalks or walkways
  • Defective or unsafe balconies or terraces
  • Torn or raised carpeting
  • Malfunctioning doors or windows
  • Potholes
  • Negligently displayed merchandise
  • Inadequate construction warnings
  • Structural defects
  • Defective or improperly maintained escalators or elevators
  • Inadequate lighting in a parking lot or stairway

How Much Is My Case Worth?

The amount of compensation you may be able to receive by filing a slip and fall lawsuit will depend on a number of factors, including the severity of your injuries and whether the property owner knew the dangerous condition existed but did not fix it.

Through a slip and fall lawsuit, you may be able to recover compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income and wages
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Punitive damages (in cases involving reckless disregard for the safety of others, a court may award punitive damages to punish the wrongdoer and discourage others from engaging in similarly risky behavior)

While each case is different, the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have recovered millions for people who were injured due to unsafe property conditions. If you have been injured in a grocery store or at a large retailer, such as Wal-Mart, you need an experienced attorney who is not afraid to go up against groups of lawyers these corporations have at their disposal. Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys have successfully represented clients in lawsuits against some of the largest companies in America and are not afraid to go to trial to get the compensation you deserve.

Negligent Security Lawsuits

In addition to keeping a property free from hazards, property owners in Kentucky have a legal duty to take reasonable measures to protect visitors from violent crime. For example, if there have been a number of assaults at a shopping mall parking lot or an apartment complex, the owner of the facility may have a legal duty to hire security guards, install surveillance cameras and take other precautions to try to prevent additional crimes from occurring in the future.

In a negligent security lawsuit, your attorneys may work with security experts to review the preventive measures that were in place on the property when you were assaulted. Using the findings of the security expert, your attorney may argue that the assault or violent crime could have been prevented if appropriate security measures were taken.

Negligent security lawsuits often involve the failure to hire security guards, insufficient lighting, and broken or missing locks. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan handle negligent security lawsuits involving:

  • Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs
  • Shopping malls
  • Apartment complexes
  • Convenience stores and gas stations
  • Parking lots and parking garages
  • Banks and ATMs
  • Hospitals and nursing homes
  • College campuses and student housing

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost?

Our Louisville attorneys handle cases on a contingency-fee basis, which means we only receive a legal fee for our services if we are able to obtain compensation for your injuries. This fee is usually a percentage of the amount that we are able to recover for you.

If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident or have been the victim of a violent crime, complete our free case review form today to learn how our premises liability attorneys may be able to help you receive compensation for your injuries.