Lakeland Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

Spinal injuries can be absolutely devastating, in more ways than one. Minor injuries to the spinal cord can lead to large amounts of pain, and more significant spinal injuries can lead to surgery and years of physical therapy that result in a seemingly endless pile of medical bills.

At Morgan & Morgan, we are committed to helping victims of spinal cord injuries recover financially after an accident, and have a history of success in representing these victims all over the state of Florida. Our spinal cord injury attorneys may be able to help you as well.

If you or a loved one in Lakeland has suffered a spinal cord injury, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your losses. Florida law sets a time limit for filing a lawsuit though, so it is important that you contact an attorney as soon as possible. Please fill out the free, no-risk case evaluation form to contact a spinal cord injury lawyer today.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, anywhere from 250,000-400,000 people in the U.S. are living with spinal cord injuries, and about 11,000 new ones occur each year. Violent movements, such as those that occur during a car accident, can cause the vertebral bones in the spine or the discs that cushion them to move out of place, putting pressure on the spinal cord and other nerve roots.

In some cases, the trauma can be so severe that the spinal cord is completely severed. This can cause paraplegia (paralysis of the legs) or quadriplegia or tetraplegia (paralysis of the legs and arms).

Other accidents that can result in spinal cord injuries include:

  • Slip and Falls;
  • Swimming Pool Accidents;
  • Defective Products, Including Seatbelts and Airbags;
  • Workplace and Construction Accidents;
  • Commercial Trucking Accidents;
  • Boating Accidents;
  • Sports Injuries;
  • Elevator and Escalator Injuries;
  • Motorcycle Accidents;
  • Incidents of Medical Malpractice.

How Can an Attorney Help

It is essential for a spinal injury victim to retain an attorney with significant experience in navigating insurance company settlement tactics. Often, insurance companies will offer a quick settlement in an attempt to catch victims in moments of weakness, even though the settlement is inadequate for your injuries.

At Morgan & Morgan, our spinal cord injury attorneys understand the specific details of these cases, and use our resources to help determine what your case is actually worth. If the other party’s insurance company makes a subpar settlement offer, we’ll fight to get it closer to what you deserve and what you need.

To determine what you could possibly receive, we perform a thorough investigation into your accident and injury. To understand your injury, your attorney may:

  • Conduct witness interviews;
  • Review medical records, gather evidence, photograph the scene of the accident;
  • Work with orthopedic surgeons, pain management specialists, and vocational rehabilitation experts to assess the injuries suffered and develop a treatment plan;
  • Work with financial planners to calculate the value of expected future loss wages and income; or
  • Determine whether the victim is covered by a workers’ compensation program (for workplace accidents).

With the information we receive from this investigation, we can build a complete case for you, one that shows the extent of your injury, who was at fault, and approximately how much compensation you should receive.

Morgan & Morgan May be Able to Help

When your life has been altered by a spinal injury caused by the carelessness of another, our team of personal injury attorneys will work to try and get you the compensation to which you are entitled. To learn more, contact us for a free case evaluation of your case.