Lakeland Burn Injury Attorneys

A burn injury can be scarring in several different ways for the victim. They can lead to massive physical scars and disfigurements, as well as lasting emotional damage. In cases of extreme burns, permanent nerve damage, loss of sensation, and worse can even be sustained. If this happened to you in a fire that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation.

At Morgan & Morgan, our attorneys in Lakeland have decades of experience handling burn injury claims. Combined with our knowledge of the law, our firm’s impressive resources have helped many clients recover compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, physical and emotional pain, among other damages.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a fire caused by another person’s negligence, our attorneys may be able to help. To learn more about what our burn injury attorneys in Lakeland can do for you, contact us by filling out a free, no-obligation case evaluation form.

House Fire Injuries

There are many different factors that can cause a fire to start in your own home. If you are a renter, landlords have an obligation to tend to their homes according to Florida law, as well as Florida code for residential buildings. This code has specific instructions for how buildings should protect floors and walls from fire, as well as the codes for the installation of smoke alarms. Failure to follow these codes puts tenants at risk and makes their living situation far more dangerous. It also means that in the event of a fire and injury, landlords can potentially be held responsible if they are negligent in their fire safety duties.

At Morgan & Morgan, our attorneys perform a thorough investigation of your case so that we can determine who is liable and what compensation you are entitled to. This investigation can involve obtaining medical records, visiting and photographing the scene of the injury, and possibly talking to eyewitnesses. If we determine that a landlord’s negligence was a major factor in the fire, you may be able to file a lawsuit against them. Some of the responsibilities that landlords have, include:

  • Installing smoke alarms in proper locations
  • Installing fireproof doors
  • Making sure the wiring of the apartment is in good condition, not old or faulty, and installed safely
  • Ensuring the fire escape is safe, sturdy, and clear
  • Keeping working fire extinguishers on the property
  • Clearing building escape routes

Work Fire Injuries

Another common type of burn injury is one that occurs while on the job. Unfortunately, burn injuries occur far too frequently at work, and depending on the cause they can be quite severe. Should you suffer a burn injury at work, you may be able to file a workers’ compensation claim. Ideally, when you file a workers’ compensation claim it goes through and you’re offered sufficient compensation to help you in a difficult time, but that is not always the case.

If you think you did not receive the full amount owed to you under workers’ compensation you may want to consider hiring an attorney. Attorneys for a work-related burn injury claims can also help you by determining whether or not you can file a third-party lawsuit. Third-party lawsuits are against parties other than your employer. For example, if you suffered chemical or electrocution burns on the job, the specifics of your injury may allow you to file a lawsuit against an equipment manufacturer, subcontractor, or property owner, depending on the circumstance of your case.

Contact Morgan & Morgan

Burn injuries are incredibly serious, and if someone else’s negligence is the cause of your lasting and lingering injuries, contact Morgan & Morgan’s burn injury attorneys in Lakeland. Fill out a free case review form today to learn more about how one of our attorneys may be able to help.