Lakeland Aviation Accident Attorney

Airline travel is considered one of the safest modes of transportation, but there is always the potential for an accident to occur. Although rare, helicopter and airplane accidents can seriously harm and even kill passengers and those in the vicinity of the crash.

At Morgan & Morgan, our Lakeland attorneys have years of experience handling accident lawsuits, including those arising out of airplane and helicopter accidents. When presented with an aviation accident claim, our attorneys work directly with federal, state, and local investigators to determine the cause of the airplane or helicopter accident. In many cases, our attorneys will conduct their own investigation using independent investigators to confirm that the government’s accident reports are accurate and fully explain the cause of the accident. With the help of these experts, our attorneys can aggressively pursue fair compensation for the victims of aviation disasters.

If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in an aviation accident, it is important that you contact an attorney immediately. With aviation accidents, our attorneys need to review all available evidence as soon as possible. In addition, the law imposes a time limit in which an aviation lawsuit may be filed, so fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form today.

How an Aviation Attorney Can Help

Analyzing Evidence

Morgan & Morgan’s attorneys have experience reviewing and analyzing evidence in airplane accidents. In the aftermath of an accident, our attorneys seek to review all available evidence, including flight data recorders, cockpit voice recorders, air traffic control records, crew training records, maintenance and inspection records, and procedures and maintenance manuals. In cases involving aircraft design or manufacturing defects, our attorneys may retain experts who will review the manufacturer’s records concerning design and testing of the aircraft and analyze similar aircraft that have employed safer alternative designs. This can help us determine the party or parties liable for your losses.

Negotiating Settlements

Frequently in aviation accidents, the insurance company for the airline or airplane manufacturer may make an initial settlement offer that does not adequately compensate the victim or the victim’s family for their damages. Our Lakeland attorneys will review any settlement offers that you have received and may negotiate on your behalf for a higher payment. If these negotiations do not result in an adequate settlement offer, our attorneys may file a lawsuit seeking appropriate damages.

Recovering Compensation

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an aviation accident, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for the damages you have suffered. In an aviation lawsuit, an attorney can seek compensation on your behalf for past and future medical bills, physical pain, and emotional suffering. In cases involving the wrongful death of a spouse or relative, an attorney may be able to help you receive compensation for loss of income and loss of companionship. In certain cases involving particularly reckless behavior, your aviation attorney can seek punitive damages, which are designed to punish liable parties and prevent similar wrongful behavior from occurring in the future.

Airplane and Aviation Accident Cases

Morgan & Morgan’s Lakeland aviation attorneys handle lawsuits and settlement negotiations arising out of accidents involving commercial airliners, private planes, military aircraft, and helicopters.

Many aviation accidents are the result of human error or improperly manufactured equipment. Our Lakeland aviation attorneys represent victims and their families in lawsuits involving the negligence of pilots, crews, maintenance personnel and airline management, as well as defects in the design and manufacture of aircraft components. We also represent individuals who have suffered in-flight injuries resulting from airline negligence.

With regard to aviation crashes, Morgan & Morgan’s aviation attorneys have investigated airplane and helicopter accidents caused by the following:

  • Pilot error
  • Weather conditions
  • Runway defects
  • Mechanical failure, including engine and other component failure
  • Defective design
  • Contaminated fuel
  • Defective replacement parts
  • Improper maintenance
  • Violation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations
  • Federal air traffic controller error

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an aviation accident, please complete our free case review form for a no-risk consultation.