Kissimmee Burn Injury Attorneys

It takes just minutes for a spark to become a raging life-threatening fire, capable of destroying homes, causing painful, disfiguring injuries, and even claiming lives.

Victims of burn injuries must deal with both the physical and emotional scars from the fire they endured, along with overwhelming medical bills, lost wages, and more. The mental anguish can be even worse when it’s discovered that the fire was entirely preventable and caused by the another’s negligence — or even deliberately caused in an act of arson, like the Unno Boutique Hotel fire in Osceola County in 2016.

If you or someone you love has suffered a burn injury, our attorneys may be able to help. We sympathy with burn victims and want to help these survivors recover the compensation they deserve for their medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn how our attorneys in Kissimmeecan help.

Common Causes of Burn Injuries

According to the American Burn Association, some of the most common causes for burn injuries include:

  • Hot water or steam
  • Chemical Exposure
  • Electrocution
  • House Fire
  • Workplace Injuries

These burns injuries can range from mild to moderate burns that cause blisters to long-term burns that cause permanent scarring and disfigurement. The most severe burns may cause permanent nerve damage or loss of dexterity and may even result in amputation.

Burn Injury Lawsuit Claims

Some of the burn injury lawsuit claims our attorneys have handled in the past include:

  • Automobile accidents
  • Home fires
  • Chemical spills
  • Electrical fires
  • Arson
  • Hot water and steam burns
  • Wrongful death

Compensation for Burn Injuries

If your case is successful, our burn injury attorneys in Kissimmee may be able to recover compensation for the following damages that are available to burn injury survivors:

Economic Damages: Burn victims may be able to recover damages such as current and future medical bills and lost wages. In the case of severe injuries that make you unable to work or perform key functions of your job, you may be able to recover damages for loss of earning capacity or diminished earning capacity.

Noneconomic Damages: Survivors of burn injuries may be awarded damages for the pain and suffering and mental anguish they have endured. In the case of disfigurement or amputation, a victim may also be able to recover financial compensation for their losses.

Punitive Damages: If your burn injury was the direct result of reckless conduct — such as a landlord who failed to keep an apartment building up to fire code — punitive damages may be awarded to discourage the person liable and others from engaging in that negligent behavior in the future.

How a Burn Injury Attorney in Kissimmee Can Help

Although past victories don’t guarantee future results, our burn injury attorney have successfully represented many individuals who have suffered from injuries from house fires, workplace fires, and more. In order to determine if you have a valid claim for burn injury damages and to help bolster your claim, your attorney may:

  • Gather and secure evidence such as fire department reports, police records, and photographs of the accident;
  • Review medical records and reports to evaluate the extent of your injuries and the costs associated with any necessary future medical procedures;
  • Interview safety inspectors, electricians, or accident investigators to help establish the cause or causes of the accident; and
  • Use evidence to determine who may be held liable for your injuries.

If you or someone you love is a survivor of a burn injury, our attorney may be able to help you recover the compensation for your current and future medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn how our attorneys can help.