Jackson Workers' Compensation Attorney

Workers’ compensation is meant to help both you and your employer. But too often, insurance companies are reluctant to pay a fair amount for your benefits, creating financial problems for you and your family and preventing you from getting the help you need.

Morgan & Morgan helps workers receive the benefits that they are entitled to. Our Jackson workers’ compensation lawyers help you get the care you need and the funds to pay your bills. Even if you have a workers’ compensation claim without any problems from an insurance company, a lawyer can be helpful just to get you through the process and relieve stress during a difficult period.

Our attorneys in Jackson have gotten great results for their clients, with settlements worth hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. A barge worker in Washington County lost partial use of his arm after getting electrocuted on the job, and we helped him receive a $150,000 verdict. Your case could potentially be worth that and more.

If you have been injured on the job and worry you’re not being fairly compensated, it’s not too late. Contact us today to discuss your case and get a free consultation.

What to Know About Mississippi Workers’ Compensation

Mississippi workers’ compensation is a no-fault program, meaning you do not need to prove negligence in order to receive benefits for your injuries. You just have to prove that the injury occurred while on the job. Unless there are other circumstances in the case, generally you are not able to sue your employer in a workers’ compensation case. Some benefits you can be compensated for with workers’ comp include:

  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Hospital treatments
  • Nursing services
  • Medications and medical supplies
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Mileage for out-of-town appointments
  • Lost wages
  • Disability

How much you can get in benefits and how long you can get them for is based on how severe your injury is. You may receive up to 450 weeks worth of lost wages, which can equal up to 2/3 of your salary. These benefits are also tax-free.

As an employed Mississippi resident, you are most likely covered by workers’ compensation. Employers are, more often than not, required to carry workers’ compensation coverage. The major exception is if an employer has less than 5 employees.

If your loved one was killed on the job or by a work-related illness, your family may be entitled to death benefits and funeral costs. Your workers’ compensation attorney can explain all of these benefits to you in details and how they relate to your specific situation.

Protecting Your Rights to Benefits

A high rate of workplace injuries increases the costs of a business’s workers’ compensation insurance benefits. As a result, insurance companies are often looking to reduce payments to employees. Our workers’ compensation lawyers work to gather evidence and build the best case possible to counter insurance companies’ arguments. That can mean gathering witness testimonies and studying your case with medical experts.

We know the tricks of the trade that employers and insurance companies will try to use against you, and we go to work immediately to prove that your injury was a result of an accident at the workplace.

What are my Other Options?

Getting workers’ compensation benefits is how your employer avoids a lawsuit. However, some circumstances could result in a potential lawsuit against your employer. If your employer retaliated against you as a result of your workers’ compensation claim - by firing you or demoting you, for example - you could possibly file a lawsuit against them.

In addition, if your injury involved something other than your employer, a third-party lawsuit is possible. This comes into play if your accident involved a defective piece of equipment; in cases like these, you could seek additional damages against the manufacturer of that equipment.

Workers’ Compensation Verdicts and Settlements

You deserve an attorney who not only works hard for your workers’ compensation claim, but has a track record of success. Our lawyers in Jackson have the results to back up their assurances that your case is safe in their hands. Here are just a few verdicts and settlements our workers’ compensation attorneys have gotten for their clients:

  • A 47-year-old who worked as a construction worker in Warren County hurt his neck doing repetitive overhead work, and needed surgery on his cervical spine. His employer’s insurance company settled for $100,000.
  • In Washington County, a barge worker was electrocuted on the job. As a result, he lost partial use of one of his arms. In an appeal, he was awarded $150,000 for his benefits in the verdict.
  • A 63-year-old in Copiah County injured his back while exiting the cab in his job as a truck driver. The settlement for him was $110,000 for his medical treatment, which included two surgeries on his lumbar spine.

Call Our Firm in Jackson Today

At Morgan & Morgan, your rights are our number one priority. If you’ve been injured on the job and haven’t gotten what you feel like your injury requires, contact us to talk about your options. Schedule a free case evaluation.