Jackson Sinkhole Attorneys

A sinkhole is a terrifying phenomenon. The earth opens up and swallows whatever happens to be standing on the ground above it. This could be a building, a car, a home or even, frighteningly, a person. Although natural sinkholes do occur, many sinkholes are triggered by manmade events.

Morgan & Morgan is a firm that works for the people. Our sinkhole lawyers represent individuals against corporations and insurance companies. The attorneys at our Jackson office help you recover compensation for property losses and personal injuries caused by a sinkhole.

What Causes Sinkholes in Mississippi

Sinkholes occur in areas where the ground surface is made of salt beds, limestone, carbonate or other dissolving rocks. Groundwater flows underground, dissolving the rocks and forming open gaps and tunnels. While the top surface remains intact and sturdy, sinkholes typically remain undetectable to the naked eye, but are forming dangerous instability. Eventually, the porous underground soil may collapse under the weight of the topsoil and whatever else happens to be situated on top.

Insurance Coverage for Sinkhole Property Damage

As more properties are developed on sinkhole prone land, insurance companies have begun to cap policy limits or reject sinkhole coverage altogether. Furthermore, insurance companies often try to deny valid claims or underpay for building repairs.

Our sinkhole damage attorneys pursue your rightful benefits so you can repair cosmetic and structural damage to your property, or collect the value and expenses related to a total loss. If the damages occurred to your business, we also pursue recovery of business losses linked to the property damage.

We are strategic negotiators who have been dealing with insurance companies for decades. We fight for an equitable insurance settlement, but aren’t afraid to take a case to trial.

Suing Corporations for Sinkhole Damage

You may also have a valid claim against the previous owner of the property or a third party that triggered the sinkhole under these theories:

  • Real estate fraud: The previous property owner has a duty to disclose hidden known defects to property. Our attorneys investigate whether the seller knew about the condition prior to the sale. We review land surveys and past property damages that indicate shifting or sinking ground.
  • Nuisance: Nearby corporations may be responsible for sinkholes. We research activities like pumping water to use for agriculture or construction that might have contributed to the sinkhole.

Call Our Mississippi Sinkhole Lawyers for Help Recovering Compensation for Property Damage

Morgan & Morgan may be able to help you recover compensation from your insurance company or the business responsible for your sinkhole-related damages. Our experienced Jackson sinkhole damage attorneys are ready to discuss your rights and options for recovery. Schedule a free case evaluation today.