Jackson Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

Elder abuse and neglect is shockingly common. A recent comprehensive study of the issue found that 10 percent of study participants had suffered abuse within the previous year. With the skyrocketing price of health care and the exponential growth in the senior population, the problem of elder abuse is likely to get worse.

Morgan & Morgan fights for the people of Jackson. Our elder abuse attorneys protect the rights of our vulnerable elders to be treated well and to receive good medical care. If your loved one was abused, we hold the nursing home facility, staff and professionals accountable for their actions.

Coming forward is the first important step in stopping the abuse. Our first priority is to ensure your loved one is in a safe place. We then pursue the abusers for compensation for harm your loved one suffered.

Chances are, if your family member is being abused, so are other residents. Therefore, by coming forward, you are not only protecting your family member, but may also be helping other residents. Contact our lawyers today.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Your loved one has the right to respect, dignity and privacy, appropriate medical care and assistance with activities of daily living. Nursing home staff has a duty to provide a safe, healthy environment to residents free from:

  • Neglect in providing medical care, feeding, hygiene and assistance with daily tasks
  • Physical abuse, such as striking, restraining, aggressively handling or otherwise inflicting physical injuries on the resident
  • Emotional abuse, including berating, isolating or yelling at the resident
  • Financial abuse, which may involve manipulating a senior into leaving assets in a will or stealing funds from her or his account

Signs of Elder Abuse and Neglect

Sadly, elder abuse and neglect often goes undetected. Seniors are sometimes too intimidated, scared or embarrassed to tell anyone about the abuse and the corporate entities typically throw up a veil of secrecy to protect their own interests. But, you can be your loved one’s eyes, ears and voice by diligently looking for signs of abuse and reporting your suspicions to authorities – then contacting a Jackson elder abuse attorney. Signs of abuse and neglect include:

  • Unexplained bruises
  • Repeated falls
  • Bed sores
  • Untreated infections
  • Undiagnosed medical conditions
  • Severe weight loss
  • Poor hygiene
  • Soiled clothing or linens
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Fear when staff approaches
  • Overmedication

Our Mississippi Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Protect Your Loved One from Abuse and Neglect

If you believe your loved one is being abused or neglected, do not delay in getting help. Our experienced Jackson nursing home abuse attorneys are ready to discuss your rights and options for recovery. Schedule a free case evaluation today.