Jackson Debt Collection Harassment Lawyer

A debt collector’s repeated phone calls, threatening letters, spam emails, constant text messages and verbal threats can make daily life a nightmare. Unscrupulous debt collectors may even go so far as to call your work, your neighbors, and your friends and to lie to intimidate you into paying.

The good news is that once you hire a debt harassment attorney, debt collectors are prohibited from contacting you. Instead, the lawyers at Morgan & Morgan field calls and letters related to the debt. While keeping debt collectors at bay, attorneys at our Jackson office also advise you on the legality of the debt and negotiate debt satisfaction if in your best interest.

Our law firm was founded with the mission of representing the people against the powerful. When big corporations go too far in their debt collection tactics, we demand they obey the law and pursue your available legal remedies.

Common Illegal Debt Collection Practices

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects debtors from ruthless debt collection tactics. Under the FDCPA, debt collectors are not permitted to:

  • Call you at unreasonable hours
  • Call you repeatedly with the intent to annoy
  • all you at your job
  • Discuss your debt with anyone besides your lawyer or your spouse
  • Communicate after being asked not to
  • Communicate after you filed for bankruptcy
  • Misrepresent themselves as lawyers or law enforcement
  • Make deceptive or untrue comments
  • Publish your name in connection with the bad debt
  • Use obscene or abusive language
  • Report false information to your credit report

Taking Action to Protect Debtors’ Rights

Our debt harassment lawyers take immediate steps to stop the harassment. We demand the debt collector cease calling, writing letters or using electronic means of communication. If the debt collector’s actions caused you damages, we pursue your legal remedies in litigation. We also report the illegal behavior to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

In addition, our legal team reviews your long-term options. We may seek verification of the debt’s validity, and if affirmation is not forthcoming, we may demand the creditor remove the debt from your credit report. For debts that have grown in interests and collection fees, we can negotiate for a fair debt amount and payment plan. If appropriate, we may discuss whether bankruptcy can relieve you of your debt burden and help you make a fresh start.

Contact Our Mississippi Debt Harassment Lawyers Today

Morgan & Morgan advocates for the rights of debtors. Our experienced Jackson debt harassment attorneys are ready to discuss your rights and options. Fill out our form a free case evaluation today.