Jackson Brain Injury Attorneys

Due to the unique vulnerability and placement of the brain, how an injury to it affects you can be dangerous and unpredictable. Even minor ones can lead to long-term complications, and more severe ones can leave you with permanent damage, all of which comes with expensive medical bills.

Suffering a brain injury, especially at the hand of another, can be traumatizing, and the road to recovery can debilitate you physically, emotionally, and financially.

Our brain injury attorneys at Morgan & Morgan have achieved a strong record of recovering damages for victims filing claims against negligent motorists, doctors, and companies for the injuries they’ve caused. Our Jackson attorneys understand what a brain injury does to your quality of life. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury because of another’s negligence, we may be able to help you. Fill out our free case review today.

Components of a Brain Injury Lawsuit

A brain injury lawsuit can result when a victim suffers head trauma as a direct result of another’s behavior. TBI is caused by bumps, blows, or jolts to the head, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

A successful TBI case must meet several requirements. For instance, the attorney representing the victim must establish that the medical professional had a duty of care, or a legal obligation to exercise their judgment to prevent injury.

They must prove a breach of that duty, such as when a doctor neglects to perform or performs an operation or other task poorly. Then, the attorney must prove causation, or direct responsibility, and their client must show damages, physical or otherwise.

Other cases, such as those caused by negligent motorists or dangerous working conditions, follow much of the same process when it comes to proving negligence. This process benefits from a highly knowledgeable brain injury attorney such as one of Morgan & Morgan’s specialists.

Effects of Brain Injuries

The effects of a brain injury can be devastating. They include:

  • Seizures;
  • Headaches and difficulty concentrating;
  • Personality changes;
  • Psychological changes; and
  • Loss of memory.

This list is by no means exhaustive. You might experience any of these, or more.

Types of Cases We Handle

Our attorneys handle a variety of lawsuits that cause TBI:

Car, Truck, and Motorcycle Accidents: In brain injury lawsuits involving car accidents, the defendant is commonly a driver who operated their vehicle with neglect or recklessness. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control reports that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of TBI-related hospitalizations for people aged 15 to 44.

Medical Malpractice/Birth Injury: Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, hospital, or other provider does not meet or deviates from the expected standard of care, and causes an injury to a patient.

At-Work Accidents When a worker suffers a brain injury on the job, compensation comes from workers’ comp benefits. If a third party was negligent, victims may be able to receive additional compensation.

Reasons to Consider Filing Suit

A brain injury can be absolutely devastating, leading to significant medical bills and lost wages. But the financial repercussions are meaningless compared to the pain, loss of life’s enjoyment, and even death that might ensue from a serious TBI.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a brain injury, our Jackson attorneys can help you understand your legal options and file suit to try and receive compensation. The statute of limitations only allows claimants to file within a certain period of time, so contact us today for a free, no-risk case evaluation form.