Jackson Aviation Accident Attorney

Jackson–Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport is one of the busiest airports in Mississippi, servicing about 150 aircraft every day. Hawkins Field Airport is a military and civil airport for private, commercial and military pilots. Dozens more charter and training helicopters, propeller planes and jets leave from Trent Lott International Airport in Jackson County.

This heavy air traffic has resulted in several incidents in which Morgan & Morgan helped recover damages. Morgan & Morgan is a well-respected personal injury law firm that handles challenging claims against big airline, plane manufacturing, and airport corporations. Our plane accident lawyers in Jackson have the technical knowledge to understand the causes of aviation accidents and the legal experience to apply the complex aviation laws. Contact our law firm today to discuss your case.

Investigating Plane Crashes

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigate all plane crashes, both commercial and private. We deal regularly with these federal agencies and are familiar with their methods of investigation and resulting reports. We use this information to help build your case against the negligent pilot, flight crew, aircraft manufacturer, aircraft owner or airport responsible for your injuries.

Our attorneys also consult with experts in aviation engineering, manufacturing, and operations. With ready access to a team of professionals, we are able to go toe-to-toe with the aviation corporations to build evidence to support your claim.

Aviation regulations and crash investigations are governed by numerous state, federal and international regulations. Adding to the complexity, the parties may also be domiciled in different jurisdictions. Our national law firm has offices throughout the country, which can be helpful when multiple defendants or plaintiffs are involved in a case.

Common Causes of Plane Crashes

Our Mississippi attorneys dig deep to find the answers after an aviation accident. Common issues we have encountered include:

  • Pilot errors
  • Air traffic controller mistakes
  • Aircraft equipment malfunction
  • Plane’s design or structural flaws
  • Aircraft disrepair
  • Runway design or maintenance issues
  • Unbalanced weight on aircraft
  • Over-fueled or too heavy helicopter
  • Failure to de-ice before takeoff
  • Procedural errors
  • Act of terrorism or passenger violence

Injuries in Flight

Plane wrecks make big headlines. However, many other accidents can happen in the air that may cause serious injuries. We help you recover if:

  • Luggage fell out of an overhead bin and landed on your head
  • Turbulence tossed you violently around during a flight
  • Another passenger assaulted you during the flight
  • You tripped on loose carpeting or other items in the aircraft aisle

In addition, our lawyers handle injurious incidents that occur in the airport, including slips, trips and falls.

Pilot Negligence

We rely upon pilots to safely operate the aircraft. Any issue that diminishes their performance also puts your life at risk, including:

Pilot fatigue, illness or drug use: FAA regulations restrict the number of hours pilots can fly, and mandate time off. The rules also prohibit the use of many types of ordinary prescription and over the counter medications. We assess whether a pilot’s commute to their job, medical condition or medications contributed to the crash.

Pilot distraction: Autopilot makes a pilot’s job much easier. Take off and landings are often the only times the pilot takes the controls. However, pilots need to be ready should an incident arise. Pilots who are distracted may not realize equipment has failed or see a potential bird strike. A pilot who is inattentive at the crucial take-off and landing stages might decelerate too quickly or slowly, overshoot the runway, collide with another plane on the tarmac or make another deadly mistake.

Plane Defects and Poor Maintenance

Mechanical failure is one of the leading causes of aviation accidents. All parts on a plane need to be in perfect working order and maintained well because a minor malfunction can have catastrophic consequences. For example, something as small as a burnt out light mechanism on the control panel might mean the pilot is not alerted to ice forming on the wings.

Contact Our Mississippi Airplane Accident Lawyers Today

Morgan & Morgan takes on serious cases involving plane crashes. Our experienced Jackson aviation attorneys are ready to discuss your rights and options for recovery. Schedule a free case evaluation today.