Jackson Car Accident Lawyers

A car wreck is a frightening, life-changing experience. Even a so-called minor accident can result in overwhelming medical bills, lost wages and lingering physical pain. A more serious accident may leave you with permanent disabilities and a lifetime of medical needs.

Morgan & Morgan is here to help you. Our Jackson law firm has dedicated auto accident lawyers with decades of experience and a passion for helping the people — not the powerful. We negotiate for equitable settlements when appropriate, and fight your claim in court when we feel you can get better results at trial. Contact us for a free consultation today.

Proving Fault in a Car Crash

Mississippi is a comparative fault state. This means that you can collect damages for your injuries even if you were partially at fault for the accident. However, the amount of damages is decreased by the percentage of your fault.

For example, if you sustained $100,000 worth of damages, but you were found to be 10 percent at fault for the accident, you would recover $90,000 from the other party (who was 90 percent at fault).

For this reason, proving fault is crucial to your case. Our car accident attorneys investigate whether the other driver acted negligently by speeding, texting while driving, driving under the influence or otherwise violating traffic ordinances. To build a case against the other driver, our lawyers might:

  • Subpoena phone records to prove phone use or texting in the moments before the crash
  • Review field sobriety test results, Breathalyzer test results, police reports and other evidence gathered during a criminal DUI investigation
  • Analyze data from the “black box,” typically available in newer cars, to determine the speed, direction of travel, angle of collision and brake application of the other vehicle
  • Consult with experts who reenact the crash based upon position of the vehicles, skid marks, accident debris scatter and extent and type of damage to the vehicles

Negotiating with Your Auto Insurance Company

You paid your premiums month after month. Now that you have been injured in an auto accident, recovering your rightful insurance compensation should not be an uphill battle. However, insurance models encourage companies to decrease and delay payments to policyholders.

Our lawyers uphold your rights after a car or truck crash. We negotiate with insurance companies for the maximum possible compensation under your policy terms and fight for timely payments.

In addition, we may pursue the negligent driver who ran into you. We may also negotiate with your health care providers to reduce your bills. These steps are especially important if your damages exceed your insurance policy limit.

Contact Our Law Firm in Jackson Today

If you suffered an injury in a car accident, Morgan & Morgan will fight for you. Our experienced auto accident attorneys are ready to discuss your rights and options for recovery. Schedule a free case evaluation today.