Fort Myers Whistleblower Attorney

A whistleblower case, also called a “qui tam” action, is when a private citizen brings charges against an individual or entity that is committing fraud against the United States government. These cases are called such because the person is “blowing the whistle” on the guilty party.

If you believe fraudulent or illegal activity is going on in your workplace, it’s crucial to contact experienced whistleblower attorneys. Qui tam cases are complex and you must protect your rights. If you report illegal workplace dealings, your employer may take retaliatory actions against you.

Some of these actions might include terminating your job, reassigning you to a lower position, or otherwise punishing you. The Fort Myers lawyers at Morgan & Morgan work to protect you when you are ready to step forward and do the right thing. We support our whistleblower clients and understand the bravery it takes to speak up. Start by filling out our free case evaluation today.

What is a Whistleblower Case?

You may not know whether you have a whistleblower case. Your attorney can tell you for sure after speaking with you in depth, but following is some general information. Unfortunately, there are many ways to commit fraud against the government – but there are also many measures in place to catch it. Typical offenders are institutions and companies that rely on government money and contracts, including:

  • Government contractors
  • Pharmaceutical and healthcare companies
  • Research foundations

In many cases, they will bill for services and products that they never provide. You may also be dealing with government fraud – and a whistleblower case – if you witness workplace issues like:

  • Environmental violations
  • Workplace safety violations
  • Medicaid/Medicare fraud
  • Social Security fraud
  • Food safety violations

Contact a Ft. Myers whistleblower attorney if you believe you have witnessed any of the above behaviors. You are provided protection under the False Claims Act.

The False Claims Act

As a whistleblower, you have protection from employer retaliation under the False Claims Act. Additionally, you also have the right to a financial reward – a percentage of the government’s recovery. There is a federal False Claims Act and Florida has its own False Claims Act. Under the False Claims Act, anyone doing business with government is prohibited from the following actions:

  • Submitting false or fraudulent claims for payment
  • Making false statements of record to a fraudulent claim
  • Making a reverse false claim, meaning underreporting an obligation to pay the government or keeping money from a government overpayment
  • Conspiring to do any of the above

If you’re a private citizen and have knowledge of these illegal activities, you can file a whistleblower claim against the business in court. Your attorney works with you to file the claim, collect your reward, and protect your rights.

Contact Our Florida Whistleblower Law Firm Today

Our Fort Myers attorneys understand the courage it takes to step forward and point out fraud and injustice. We will listen to you, go through the details of your case, and stand by your side. We represent the people, and we are ready to protect your rights. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.