Fort Myers Burn Injury Attorneys

Burn injuries go far beyond just pain. The injuries caused by fire can cause long-lasting damage, including external scarring, internal nerve damage, and in the most severe cases permanent disfigurement. Burn injuries can also become a major financial strain on the victim and their loved ones as medical expenses pile up.

At the Morgan & Morgan office in Fort Myers, our burn injury attorneys understand the different forms of pain and stress that a burn injury can cause. Our attorneys also have an extensive understanding of the laws about fire safety and prevention, and have used this knowledge to help clients across the country receive compensation for their damages.

If you or a loved one is dealing with damage from a burn injury, don’t hesitate to contact our Fort Myers attorneys to learn more about whether or not you are eligible for compensation. Fill out our free, no-obligation case review form today to get an evaluation of your case.

Fire Injury Claims

Our Fort Myers attorneys are well-equipped to take on the many varieties of fire and burn injury cases, including:

  • Electrical cord fires
  • Motor vehicle accident fires
  • Hot water and pipes
  • Truck accidents
  • Tanker explosions
  • Defective product fires
  • Fires in recreational areas

Home & Work Fires

Arguably the two most common places where a fire injury can occur are in your home or at your workplace.

Fires in the home don’t just cause injuries, they damage your belongings and your shelter. Even worse, some home fires start at no fault of the person living there. This can especially be true in the case of tenants with landlords, particularly in apartment buildings or public housing.

Landlords have a responsibility to their tenants to ensure that their place of residence is sufficiently safe from fire, and follows Florida’s laws for maintaining at least the minimum fire safety standards. If they fail to do so, accidents can happen, causing fire and subsequent injuries. In instances like these, tenants have a right to try and hold their landlord accountable.

There are many different fire safety standards that, if not properly adhered to, could prove disastrous. First and foremost all apartments need a smoke detector, if not, the consequences could prove deadly in the event of a fire.

Poor heating is also a potential danger because tenants could turn to unsafe space heaters to supplement their building’s heat. Similarly, not fixing old, faulty wiring in the apartment could cause a fire that tenants don’t even realize is happening. These, and other issues are negligence on the part of a landlord — and despite possible pressure from your landlord, you do have rights against them when their negligence causes a fire.

Workplace burns can be complex as well. Often, these injuries and the resulting medical bills will be covered by workers’ compensation, but in many cases, the employer’s insurance simply won’t offer enough. How, in cases like these, can you make sure you are fairly compensated? That’s where a Morgan & Morgan attorney is helpful.

How An Attorney Can Help

Having a Morgan & Morgan attorney by your side means we can determine who you might have a lawsuit against, and how much you could be owed in compensation. In the event of an at-home burn injury, for instance, we could see if the situation allows for you to file a claim against your landlord.

For an on-the-job injury, your attorney can determine whether or not workers’ compensation insurance is offering you a fair amount, and can also help determine whether the context of your injury allows you to file a third-party lawsuit. For example, a defective product causing the fire that injured you means you may be able to file a third-party lawsuit against the product’s manufacturer.

Morgan & Morgan attorneys perform thorough investigations to build our clients’ cases. In the past, we’ve visited the scene of accidents, worked with relevant experts, obtained medical records, and interviewed key witnesses to create a case that tells a judge or jury that you were burned by someone else’s negligence and deserve fair compensation.

Our attorneys are also experienced negotiators and trial lawyers. That means that we’re not afraid to negotiate and get you a higher settlement if the other party’s offer isn’t sufficient or take the case to trial so a jury can hear it.

Morgan & Morgan Attorneys May Be of Service

Florida’s statute of limitations on personal injury cases is 4 years. If you believe that you or a loved one was injured in a fire caused by someone else’s negligence, we may be able to help. To learn more, fill out our free case evaluation form.