Fort Lauderdale Debt Harassment Attorneys

Are you being hounded by debt collectors in Fort Lauderdale? Do you receive phone calls at all hours of the day — including while you’re at work — or calls full of threatening and profane language?

Even if you do owe money, you still have rights as a debtor. Simply put, it is unacceptable for debt collectors to use illegal techniques like harassment, threats, and misrepresentation to collect on your debt.

And yet, despite laws designed to protect people in debt from illegal collection techniques, debt collectors will stoop to low levels to get their money. In some cases, debt collectors might even relentlessly harass you about debt you may not even owe.

Debt harassment can be frightening and upsetting, and is often targeted at hardworking residents of Fort Lauderdale who have fallen upon hard times. But our debt harassment attorneys can help make the calls stop.

Our lawyers at Morgan & Morgan know how to stop these unscrupulous debt collectors and can even recover compensation for those who have suffered from their illegal behavior. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn what our attorneys in Fort Lauderdale can do for you today.

The Laws Protecting You From Debt Collectors

There is federal legislation designed to protect people from illegal and manipulative debt collector tactics.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a law that prohibits — and punishes— debt collectors who harass you over unpaid bills or debt and use illegal tactics, such as calling at work, or misrepresenting themselves as a law enforcement.

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is intended to prohibit repeated telemarketing robocalls by allowing you to request placement on a Do Not Call list. If you continue to receive calls despite placement on a Do Not Call list, you can take legal action and may even be able to recover compensation. There’s also state legislation aimed to stop debt harassment.

The Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) protects residents in Florida against unfair practices of debt collectors, much like the FDCPA. It also applies to harassment by original creditors.

What Debt Collectors Can and Can’t Do

Under legislation like the FDCPA, debt collectors cannot:

  • Call you at unreasonable hours;
  • Call you repeatedly;
  • Call you at your job;
  • Discuss your debt with anyone besides your lawyer or your spouse;
  • Communicate after you filed for bankruptcy;
  • Misrepresent themselves as lawyers or law enforcement;
  • Make deceptive or untrue comments;
  • Publish your name in connection with the bad debt; and
  • Use obscene or abusive language.

How Can I Stop the Harassment?

Our attorneys will fight on your behalf to stop the harassment so you can live your life in peace. Your attorney may do the following, including:

  • Contacting the collector in writing and ask them to stop contacting you;
  • Documenting any illegal behavior (include times and dates);
  • Requesting forms from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and file a complaint; and
  • Filing a lawsuit, if there are grounds to.

How Our Attorneys Can Help You

Debt collectors may try to take advantage of you if you have fallen upon tough times, but you don’t have to stand for it. If you or someone you love has received harassing and threatening calls from a debt collector in Fort Lauderdale, our attorneys can make the calls stop and potentially recover compensation for your trouble. Fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation form to learn what how our attorneys may be able to help.