How much does hiring a lawyer cost?

Each law firm has its own pay structure, but at Morgan & Morgan we believe that every person should have access to quality legal counsel regardless of income.

We work on a contingency-fee basis, which means you only pay us if and when we win your case. Our fee is a percentage of the verdict or settlement we obtain.

This depends on a number of factors, including the type of lawsuit and the state in which you live. Depending on where you live, and what the claims are, the time limit for filing a lawsuit after an event will be different. Laws called “statutes of limitations” set these deadlines.

Certain claims have a statute of limitations as low as two years, so it’s important to contact our attorneys today to discuss your case.

Each law firm has its own pay structure, but at Morgan & Morgan we believe that every person should have access to quality legal counsel regardless of income.

We work on a contingency-fee basis, which means you only pay us if and when we win your case. Our fee is a percentage of the verdict or settlement we obtain.

Determining the worth of your claim will depend on the type and details of the case, the severity of your injuries, and insurance limits, among many other factors. Specifically, when determining how much your case is worth, at least five things are likely to be taken into consideration, assuming that liability is clear. These considerations include: * Past medical bills; * Future medical bills; * Lost wages; * Loss of earning capacity; and * Pain and suffering. There is no blueprint for determining a case’s value. However, based on our experience with past cases, we may be able to estimate a ballpark value of your case once we have gathered all medical records and statements and have an idea as to whether the client’s physical and mental state has improved or worsened from the date of injury, among other things.
The act of filing legal papers at the courthouse is called "filing suit." The client gives the authorization to file suit after all other options have been exhausted during the pre-suit period. When a case is filed with the court, it does not necessarily mean you will be accompanying your lawyer to court.
Arbitration is similar to mediation, except in this instance the arbitrator will, after hearing both sides, determine and assign fault and damages. The arbitrator’s findings are typically binding on both parties.
Mediation is a settlement conference which takes place before a case goes to trial. The defendant and plaintiff, along with their attorneys, meet with a mediator—who is often a retired judge or lawyer practicing in the community. Both sides present their cases to the mediator for consideration. All information contained in a mediation conference is confidential and may not be used at trial. If the mediation is successful, the plaintiff and defendant will have reached an agreement concerning damages; if not, the case will proceed to trial.
Civil cases typically involve a dispute of some kind between people or organizations. A criminal case pertains to an action that violates laws designed to protect communities from harm, and usually involves a person or an organization and the government. Therefore, the motivation behind the different case types and their outcomes are quite different. Civil cases begin when a person or organization (the plaintiff) believes they’ve been wronged by another (the defendant). This can include everything from broken contracts to accidents to failure to respect constitutional rights. The plaintiff often seeks monetary compensation. Common civil cases involve landlord/tenant disputes, child custody, personal injury, and property disputes. In civil cases, verdicts are usually handed down by judges, unless one of the parties elects to have a trial by jury instead.
A settlement is is an out-of-court agreement reached between the plaintiff and the defendant before going through with legal proceedings. Essentially, it’s a deal. A verdict is a decision made by the judge or jury at the end of court proceedings. The most civil cases reach a settlement out of court, often to avoid the time and money of continuing through the often grueling legal process. It’s up to you whether to settle or pursue a verdict. Your decision will depend on a number of factors, including both parties‘ willingness to reach a fair agreement, and whether it’s worth it to you to seek maximum compensation, even if it means going all the way to court.
At Morgan & Morgan, we understand that accidents and injustices happen unexpectedly and in a variety of ways. As one of the nation's leading plaintiffs' law firms, we want to be there to advocate for the people against the powerful whenever we can. As a result, our staff of more than 300 attorneys are adept at handling cases in a wide variety of practice areas, including: * Auto accidents * Slip and fall * Workers’ compensation * Medical malpractice * Labor and employment * Wrongful death * Debt collection harassment * Nursing home abuse * Class actions * Mesothelioma Our attorneys may be able to help you if you were involved in one of the accidents or instances of mistreatment mentioned above, or in many other practice areas. Contact us today for a [free consultation](/free-case-evaluation/) to learn more about how an attorney may be able to help.
At Morgan & Morgan, we believe everyone is entitled to quality legal representation regardless of how much money they make. Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis — we don’t get paid unless you win — so that you can afford to hire an excellent attorney to protect your interests. Aside from eliminating any up-front costs for clients, working on a contingency fee also incentivizes your attorney to recover the most compensation possible on your behalf. Their pay is a reasonable percentage of the compensation they recover on your behalf, so you never have to worry about your attorney advising you to take a inadequate settlement offer just so they can move on to the next case.

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