Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in DeLand

Imagine you’re injured on the job and can’t work. Then the medical bills start piling up. This can be an avalanche of financial devastation for an injured employee and his or her family. That’s why Florida workers’ compensation laws offer injured employees coverage for things like medical bills and lost wages. At least, that’s the idea. That’s what you expect, anyway.

In practice, though, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes employers and their insurance companies go to great lengths to avoid paying out a penny — or, at least, to avoid paying injured workers the money to which they’re fully entitled. This could happen to you; perhaps it already has.

Employers and insurers might try to minimize your injury, or claim it’s not work-related. They might suggest you received an unreasonable amount of treatment. Or, they might even demand you return to work too soon after a serious injury. That’s just a sampling of what some injured workers face when trying to claim the benefits they’re owed. If this has happened to you, consider contacting one of our attorneys in our Morgan & Morgan office in DeLand. We’ve got a lot of experience taking on these corporations, who sometimes do anything they can to get out of fulfilling their end of the bargain. You don’t have to stand for it, and you don’t have to fight alone.

Contact us today for a free, no-risk case evaluation and we’ll see if we can help you out with your claim. Remember: We work on contingency. This means we don’t get paid unless we win for you. We’re here to fight for the people, not the powerful.