DeLand Slip & Fall Lawyers

Property owners have a duty to protect others on their premises from an unreasonable risk of injury or harm. When they fail to ensure reasonable safety on their property, those people on the premises may be at risk for slip and falls, as well as other types of personal injury accidents.

At Morgan & Morgan, our DeLand slip and fall attorneys have extensive experience identifying and gathering evidence to help recover compensation on behalf of clients who were injured on another’s premises.

If you sustained injuries on someone else’s property, you may be entitled to receive compensation.

Fill out our free case review form today to have an experienced DeLand slip & fall and premises liability attorney assess your claim for free.

How Can a DeLand Slip & Fall Attorney Help?

If you are injured on another’s property and plan to file a lawsuit, these are the vital considerations that must be answered and supported with specific evidence.

  • Before filing a claim, your lawyer must determine who may be liable for your injury, if anyone;
  • Your injury’s exact cause; and
  • Whether you were considered an invitee, licensee, or trespasser on the premises.

In preparing your claim and answering these questions, your attorney may:

  • Determine how you were on the premises and why you were there.
  • Investigate the scene of the accident and/or any DeLand police reports and photographs.
  • Determine whether any former similar complaints or lawsuits were filed against the owner or party connected with the property.
  • Consult experts who have experience and particular insight into liability.
  • Interview witnesses, if applicable.
  • Determine what steps, if any, were taken by the owner to decrease the chance of an accident occurring.

With this evidence, your attorney will set forth building your case. Your claim will form the foundation for your lawyer’s argument during negotiations and litigation and can outline how the property owner was at fault for the accident and is therefore responsible for your losses. How this evidence is presented can affect the amount of compensation you recover.

Who Can I Sue?

There are a number of parties who may be liable for your injuries. These parties can include the owner of the property, employees, and third parties. Take Note: Liability will likely depend on whether the individual from whom you are seeking damages owed you a “duty of care.” To determine who may be liable, you can contact us.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

Injuries sustained on another’s property can be severe. This could be financially devastating for a victim and that victim’s loved ones. If the property owner or other party is responsible for your injuries, they may be responsible for providing compensation for the following:

  • Current and future medical expenses,
  • Lost wages,
  • Loss of earning capacity,
  • Mental anguish, and
  • Pain and suffering.

If you or someone you know was injured while on another’s property, and believe the property owner was negligent in ensuring your safety, you may be able to file a lawsuit and hold them accountable.

To discover more about how our DeLand slip and fall attorneys may be able to help, please fill out our free, no-risk case evaluation today.