DeLand Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents are a pain to have to deal with. It’s not just the physical pain — whether immediately known or only noticed some time after an accident — and the medical bills that pile up as a result. There’s also the fact that you have to deal with insurance companies that often throw up every roadblock possible to avoid paying the injured the compensation to which they’re entitled.

With a damaged car and injuries to you and possibly even your passengers, in a circumstance that wasn’t even your fault, the last thing you need is to be trying to fight inflexibly gigantic insurance companies. That’s where our attorneys at Morgan & Morgan’s DeLand office come in. We help the injured navigate unfathomably complex red tape and even will go to court, if we have to, to fight to get the compensation these injured parties are owed.

We do this all the time. We fight for people to get compensation to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses their motor vehicle insurance companies should be paying out to their dutiful customers who pay their premiums.

If you’ve been in an accident and are stuck trying to battle a Goliath, contact us for a free, no-risk case review today. We’re Goliaths, too, but unlike the other big guys we fight for the people, not the powerful.