Daytona Beach Burn Injury Attorneys

Our Daytona Beach office attorneys recognize the physical and psychological damage caused by burns and the difficulty that comes with treating them. A serious burn injury can mean years of healing, even in the face of our improved technology.

If you or a loved one was victim to a burn injury due to another’s negligence, a Morgan & Morgan burn injury lawyer with experience may be able to help you recover what you need to return to a high quality of life.

Our experienced team of Daytona Beach personal injury attorneys has had great success recovering compensation for victims of burns in the workplace or due to another person’s negligence.

What Do Burn Injuries Look Like?

Burn injuries range in severity depending on the exposure of the skin by heat and duration. A burn can manifest in a variety of ways, most commonly:

  • Significant pain;
  • Pressure and discomfort;
  • Loss of feeling;
  • Blistering, charring;
  • Skin loss, permanent impairment; and

Daytona Beach doesn’t have a dedicated burn center, and the closest location is Orlando Regional Medical Center. Getting airlifted for treatment can be expensive, and the time it takes to get there might set treatment for any of these injuries back considerably.

Common Burn Locations

Burns can happen anywhere there are hot objects, particularly open flames, ovens, and other household appliances. In fact, most burns happen in the home, according to the American Burn Association. This might be because of your own actions, but often other factors come into play.

Faulty equipment, like ionization smoke detectors — which often fail to detect slow smoldering fires — can lead to dangerous situations when you might not know a fire is in your home. Some ionization smoke detector manufacturers have had lawsuits filed against them. Other faulty tools, like fire suppression devices, are also possibly dangerous and have faced product defect allegations.

Burns frequently occur as a result of:

  • Apartment building fires;
  • Workplace injuries;
  • Truck accidents and tanker explosions;
  • Motor vehicle accidents;
  • Electrical cord fires;
  • Defective products;
  • Locked fire exits;
  • Scalding water and pipes;;
  • Electrical accidents; and
  • Recreational fires (hotel, restaurant, retail outlet, nightclub).

Another common burn location is the workplace, particularly in a restaurant or industrial setting. This can mean grease fires or boiling liquids, plus open flames, all of which can contribute to a dangerous environment and painful burns.

Hire a Competent Daytona Beach Attorney

Burns are some of the most disfiguring injuries an individual can receive, and lead to years of recovery and financial hardship. You shouldn’t have to face that alone.

Our Daytona Beach attorneys are thoroughly versed in personal injuries related to burns, and can help get the compensation you need to begin your process of recovery.

Contact us today for a free, no-risk evaluation of your case, and start the path to justice.