Columbus Burn Injury Attorneys

The attorneys in our Columbus office understand the difficulties that arise after an individual suffers a burn injury. Following an accident, a burn injury victim may face costly medical bills and burdensome insurance paperwork. Victims must also contend with the painful injuries, scars, and emotional trauma that come with scalds and burn injuries.

Our Columbus attorneys can help recover compensation for your injuries and deal directly with insurance companies on your behalf, while you focus on recovering from your injuries. The attorneys in our Columbus office have a history of success handling burn injury cases and can help ensure that you receive proper compensation. If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury, we can help.

To learn what a Columbus burn injury attorney may be able to do for you, fill out our free case evaluation form today.

Types of Burn Injury Lawsuits

Our attorneys handle the following types of burn injury lawsuits:

  • Automobile accidents;
  • Structural fires, including fires in houses, apartment buildings, and offices;
  • Chemical spills;
  • Defective or negligently installed fire alarms and smoke detectors;
  • Electrical fires;
  • Construction accidents;
  • Acts of arson;
  • Explosions;
  • Thermal burns;
  • Fires caused by defective products, including defective hot water heaters and furnaces;
  • Burns from hot liquids; and
  • Wrongful death cases.

Burn Injuries at Work

In addition, our attorneys have experience representing individuals who have suffered burn injuries at work. For workplace burn injuries, your attorney may be able to file a claim with the Georgia workers’ compensation system.

Under workers’ compensation, employees may recover benefits for injuries that occur in the workplace regardless of whether the accident was the fault of the employer or the employee.

If a third party is liable for a workplace injury in Georgia, such as a subcontractor or the manufacturer of a defective product, your attorney may also be able to seek damages against the third party through a burn injury lawsuit.

How We Handle Columbus Burn Injury Claims

Your burn injury attorney will determine if you have a valid claim for damages under Georgia law. In handling your case, your attorney may:

  • Gather and secure all relevant evidence, including fire department reports, police records, and photographs of the scene of the accident;
  • Review medical records and reports prepared by your treating physicians;
  • Work with medical experts to evaluate the extent of your injuries and the costs associated with any necessary future medical procedures or rehabilitation services; and
  • Retain safety inspectors, electricians, or accident investigators to help establish the cause of the accident and determine who may be held liable for your injuries.

Personal Injury Burn Settlements

In some cases, our Columbus burn injury attorneys are able to secure a settlement before a burn injury lawsuit goes to trial. Far too often, insurance companies in Georgia offer inadequate settlements that do not fully compensate a burn injury victim for all the damages he or she has suffered.

Your attorney may negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to help ensure you receive proper comprehension. If settlement negotiations do not result in an adequate settlement offer, our Columbus burn injury attorneys have the capabilities and resources to take your case to trial.

Compensation for Your Burn Injury

An attorney in our Columbus office may be able to help you obtain compensation for your injuries. The following types of damages may be available to a burn injury victim:

  • Economic Damages: The law in Georgia allows a burn injury victim to receive compensation for all medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident. This includes compensation for all future medical costs and rehabilitation expenses that are required for your recovery. If you have missed work as a result of the burn injury, you may be able to receive compensation for the money you could have earned, had you not been injured. In the event that you are no longer able to perform the essential functions of your job, you may also be able to claim damages for your diminished earning capacity.

  • Noneconomic Damages: In many burn injury lawsuits, victims are awarded damages for pain and suffering. Damages for pain and suffering are intended to compensate a burn injury victim for the physical pain and mental anguish that was caused by the accident. A burn injury victim may also be entitled to financial compensation for any disfigurement that may have occurred as a result of a burn injury.

  • Punitive Damages: In cases involving particularly reckless conduct, the court may award punitive damages to a burn injury victim. Punitive damages are designed to punish the person liable for the incident and demonstrate that others should refrain from engaging in similar behavior.

If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury, our Columbus burn injury attorneys may be able to help you recover the compensation for your injuries. Fill out our free case evaluation form today.