Columbus Car Accident Lawyers

At Morgan & Morgan’s Columbus office, our lawyers help accident victims file lawsuits against negligent drivers, irresponsible trucking companies and careless vehicle manufacturers.

When you file a lawsuit with the help of our attorneys, you will be seeking compensation for any losses you incurred as a result of the crash (e.g., medical expenses, lost wages) from the person or company you are suing. Our firm has years of experience handling car accident lawsuits and, while each case is different, has recovered millions in verdicts and settlements for our clients.

To learn more about your legal options following a car accident, contact our Columbus office today.

Can I File a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Not every injury resulting from a motor vehicle accident will be grounds for a lawsuit, and only an experienced attorney can determine whether you have a case. This is why our firm offers free initial case reviews to all injured drivers, pedestrians and cyclists in Georgia.

In general, you may be able to file a lawsuit if your injury was the direct result of another’s negligence. When a person or company fails to act as any other reasonable person or company would have acted, they may be considered negligent.

Example of Negligence

Assume a pedestrian is waiting to cross a street in Columbus. When the traffic light changes and he is prompted to cross, a speeding car runs the red light and hits him. In this case, the driver was acting negligently because he was driving much faster than the speed limit and failed to slow down and stop when the light turned red – something any other reasonable driver would have done. As a result, the pedestrian may be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver and hold him accountable for any resulting injuries.

Are All Auto Accident Lawsuits Filed Against Drivers?

No. A number of parties could be considered negligent in causing a crash, and who you will sue will depend on the details of your case. A Columbus trucking company, for instance, could be considered negligent for letting its drivers operate their trucks without adequate sleep.

Likewise, municipalities could be considered negligent for failing to post adequate signs or lights at dangerous turns or intersections. Lastly, car manufacturers could be held accountable for releasing defective products (e.g., faulty airbags, brakes, ignition switches) into the marketplace.

Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer to Handle Your Case

Only an experienced lawyer familiar with Georgia’s complicated auto laws and insurance policies can help ensure that you recover fair compensation following a car, truck or motorcycle accident. At Morgan & Morgan, our lawyers can:

Prepare your case and file your lawsuit.

First, our lawyers will gather evidence in support of your claim that another’s negligence caused your injuries. Depending on the details of your accident, this evidence may include medical records, trucking company logs and photos of your vehicle. We may also speak with witnesses, industry experts and accident reconstruction specialists who can provide insight into the cause of the crash. 

Then, we will use this information to draft a legal document known as a complaint. In the complaint, we will include information about the accident, how the defendant (the person or company being sued) acted negligently and the compensation you should receive for your losses. This complaint will be filed in a court in Georgia, officially beginning your lawsuit.

Negotiate any settlements.

To avoid the uncertainty and cost of a jury trial, the defendant or their insurance company may offer you a settlement; however, insurance companies will try to limit the amount of compensation they pay out to you by minimizing the severity of your injuries and property damage.

Our attorneys have years of experience dealing with car insurance companies and we can advise you when a proposed settlement does not accurately reflect your losses. In these cases, we may negotiate the terms of the settlement with the defendant and/or their insurance company.

Prepare your case for trial.

If we cannot agree on a settlement amount, we will prepare your car accident case for trial, where a judge and jury will decide how much compensation you should receive, if any. The Morgan & Morgan trial attorneys are determined to take your case to court if you do not receive the right settlement. We will do what it takes to make sure you get what you need to move on.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing an Auto Accident Lawsuit in Columbus?

Yes. In Georgia, individuals who are injured in car, truck or motorcycle accidents have:

  • Six months after the date of an accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against a city or county government.

  • Two years after the date of an accident to file a personal injury lawsuit.

  • Four years after the date of an accident to file a property damage lawsuit.

While two years may seem like plenty of time to take legal action following an accident, it’s important that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

This will help ensure that you do not lose your right to sue if, for instance, negotiating with an insurance company takes longer than you expected or does not provide you with adequate compensation for your injuries.

At Morgan & Morgan, we offer free initial consultations to all accident victims. To see if one of the attorneys in our Columbus office can assist you following a car accident, contact us today.